Abhorsen (Abhorsen #3)

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Abhorsen (Abhorsen #3)
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Release Date
January 07, 2003
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The Abhorsen Sabriel and King Touchstone are missing, leaving only Lirael--newly come into her inheritance as the Abhorsen-in-Waiting--to stop the Destroyer. If Orannis's unspeakable powers are unleashed, it will mean the end of all Life. With only a vision from the Clayr to guide her and the help of her companions, Sam, the Disreputable Dog, and Mogget, Lirael must search in both Life and Death for some means to defeat the evil destructor--before it is too late. . . .

The apocalyptic conclusion to the series of events that began with "Sabriel" and continued in "Lirael," the "New York Times" bestselling "Abhorsen" is an electrifying reading experience not to be missed.

The Abhorsen Sabriel and King Touchstone are missing, leaving only Lirael--newly come into her inheritance as the Abhorsen-in-Waiting--to stop the Destroyer. If Orannis's unspeakable powers are unleashed, it will mean the end of all Life. With only a vision from the Clayr to guide her and the help of her companions, Sam, the Disreputable Dog, and Mogget, Lirael must search in both Life and Death for some means to defeat the evil destructor--before it is too late. . . .

The apocalyptic conclusion to the series of events that began with "Sabriel" and continued in "Lirael," the "New York Times" bestselling "Abhorsen" is an electrifying reading experience not to be missed.

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The End?
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Picking up right where book #2’s cliffhangery ending left off, Garth Nix brings us the satisfying conclusion to his Abhorsen series.

As we learned in the last book, Lireal is now the newly minted Abhorsen in waiting. She is also Sam’s aunt, as it turns out. (Take THAT, possible romantic subplot!) And since Queen Sabriel and King Touchstone are nowhere to be found, it looks as though averting the end of the world must fall entirely to this ill-prepared duo and their furry familiars. As their plotlines were finally joined in the last book, we aren’t shown as much of what is going on elsewhere in the world. But readers are given occasional scenes from the POV of the semi-possessed Nick, and a bit from the king and queen.

The somewhat reluctant character growth we began to see in the last book is accelerated. Both Lireal and Sam are pushed into showing competence in their newly acquired skills, while discovering how their roles in this end game are actually complemented by the more innate abilities (which they had previously assumed useless.) There is also, thankfully, far less whining going on between the two of them.

I’m happy to report that Mogget is still, ever endearingly, Mogget.

"Remember I advised against this way," he instructed. "Wake me when whatever terrible thing is about to happen happens, or if it appears I might get wet.”

For those waiting with bated breath to learn the origin of both Mogget and The Disreputable Dog… you will not be disappointed. It may be as you already suspect (thanks to some adequate foreshadowing amid the worldbuilding of book #2), but that aspect will not be left unanswered.

Personally, I would have liked to see more on the reveal regarding Sam’s nature. It is concluded that his role is a “Builder”—an extension of the peoples who originally constructed the magical buffer wall between the Old Kingdom and the rest of the world. He has a part to play, to be sure… but that part often feels like a handy afterthought. And it isn’t really explained how he ended up as a Builder in the first place (though, comingling of the Clayr, Abhorsen, and Royal bloodlines is clearly something of a theme.)

Overall though, this was a solid read. And an above-par bookend (literally) to this medium-fantasy series.
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An excellent addition to the series begun with Sabriel
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I didnt read my advance copy of Garth Nixs Abhorsen right away, as I received it in the middle of the holiday season. I had too many things to do and presents to buy, but it burned constantly in the back of my mind.

I finally made time to read it in between Thanksgiving and Christmas and I couldnt have given a better present to myself. The Abhorsen is a fitting continuation of the series started with Sabriel and a very nice follow-up to Lirael. If youve read my previous reviews, you know how much I enjoyed those two books.

Ill even reiterate here one of my main points from those previous books: Garth Nix is, in my mind, one of the best YA fantasy authors out there today. He tries to break new ground, rather than treading the same old path, and it shows.

The Abhorsen continues the story begun in Lirael. While Sabriel was the first book in the series, the latter two really tell the story of Lirael, the half-sister of Sabriel, and Sameth, Sabriels son. The story picks up pretty much exactly where Lirael left off, which will leave newcomers to the story a little dumbfounded and confused. My best advice to them is to read the other booksthey wont regret it anyway!

Lirael and Sameth must complete an epic journey, face many dangers, and come up against their greatest fears. While that sounds very much like a lot of other fantasy novels out there, Garth Nixs expansive and believable world of dark magic and necromancy saves it from becoming just another hero story.

The intricate history of this world and the intertwined lives of the main characters will hold you spellbound, as if caught in the hold of Ranna, the sleep bringer and the smallest of the Abhorsens powerful bells.

Fans of epic fantasy will enjoy all of these books, but are well advised to begin at the beginning before picking up this latest entry. Fans of this series will be overjoyed by the latest entry and they will finally learn the truth behind the disreputable dog and find some joy in Moggets true form.
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Sad that this trilogy has to end...
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Lirael definitely prepared us very well for this story, because since we had the preparation for Abhorsen during Lirael, in Abhorsen we can plunge straight into the action.

Lirael has accepted her fate as the Abhorsen in Waiting. She has thrown away her previous dreams of being a Clayr, and is now ready to take on her title as Abhorsen. Sameth, on the other hand, will never be an Abhorsen or anything like it. He is destined to be a Wallmaker, a creator.

There is a big problem. Nicholas Sayre, Sameth's friend, has been sort-of possessed by a fragment of a thing called the Destroyer. He is taken by a single-minded determination to join these two hemispheres of metal, even though he doesn't know what they are. Obviously, Lirael and Sameth have to stop it.

The setting growth was amazing. Garth Nix has very successfully built and expanded on the world we were introduced to in Sabriel. I love Death because it is dangerous and unpredictable, and we were discovering it with Lirael. It was unknown to her to, which made her notice everything there, and made the reader picture it better. I especially loved the Ninth Gate, it sounds simply... wow.

I loved the final battle. Wow again. I stayed up so late to finish it.

Why do my two favourite characters have to DISAPPEAR!!

(SPOILER ALERT) I was so sad over the Disreputable Dog. I actually cried over her. Mogget too, although I only came close to tears then, I didn't actually cry over him like I did for the Dog. At the end, I was like SERIOUSLY?! That's how you end? What happened to them! You can't just end the series with the Disreputable Dog wandering off, basically never to be seen again. *sniffle*. I am so sad over that dog.(END SPOILER)

This was a fantastic book. Definitely recommended!!!
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The Destroyer is Destroyed!
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Reader reviewed by RapidReader

Have You Read Sabriel? Or even Lirael? Then you don't want to miss Abhorsen, the stunning conclusion to Lirael by Garth Nix.

In this stunning novel we get to know a little more (okay, a LOT more) about the Seven Bright Shiners, and how they live on. We also fing out who Mogget really is. Ready for a story packed with Zombies, Dead, Necromancers, Magic, Swords, and Sorcery? Then you don't want to miss Abhorsen!!!!
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Amazing Conclusion to The Abhorsen Trilogy
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Reader reviewed by Sara

"The Abhorsen Sabriel and King Touchstone are missing, leaving only Lirael - newly come into her inheritance as the Abhorsen-in-Waiting - to stop the Destroyer. If Orannis's unspeakable powers are unleashed, it will mean the end of all Life. With only a vision from the Clayr to guid e her, and the help of her companions, Sam, the Disreputable Dog, and Mogget, Lirael must search in both Life and Death for some means to defeat the evil destructor - before it is too late..."

Garth Nix is one of the best writers of science fiction/fantasy and anyone who says they are readers of this genre MUST read this trilogy.
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Reader reviewed by Arly

this is a great story. It is really well-written.
Nix is a great writer. Its a classic story told in a fresh new way. It's been fun watching Lirael grow and mature from the sorta meek girl she was to the powerful, more self-assured woman she is. Her interactions with Dog and Sam add just the right touch. The friendship and possibility of romance changes this story from the archetypical ostracized kid overcomes adversity, claims his/her birthright and becomes the best and most powerful. Of couse her powers are cool too.
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Reader reviewed by Kody Boye

The ending of the three book trilogy is truely a wonderful ending, making it both a powerful book of the millenia and years to come. I congradulate Garth Nix for the conclusion of the Old Kingdom Trilogy.
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Good, but Sabriel is better...
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Reader reviewed by Katya

This is most definitely a novel written to conclude a trilogy, and it works well as that. It is not, however, the sort of book which you could pick up and read on its own. Well, I guess you could, but it would probably leave you pretty confused.

It's a suitable ending to the series; all the knots are tied off, Sabriel and Touchstone feature (something I missed in 'Lirael') and Lirael finds out exactly why she was never chosen to be a true Clayr. It's just not as good as 'Sabriel' - possibly because, as sadly often happens with book sequences, by the time the conclusion is out, your enthusiasm has waned rather.

If you can, read 'Sabriel' and 'Lireal' first - re-read them if you've read them once. Trust me, you'll get far more out of the novel.
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Greatly Written
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Reader reviewed by Kody Boye

Abhorsen, the final book in the old kingdom trilogy was excellent, continuing Sam and liraels tale. The events in it were greatly described and I could perfectly picture them in my mind as I was reading. It saddened me that this was the final book, but I know that I will always be able to read it again if I want to.
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An excitng book that reads really fast....
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Reader reviewed by Saba

Abhorsen, the brilliant conclusion of the "Old Kingdom Trilogy", basically sums up the events that take place as Lirael and Sameth leave the Abhorsen's House.

Desparate to defy the Dead (note capital letter) who have reawakened against nature's laws, Lirael and Sameth travel down to Ancelstirre in hope to find Sameth's friend Nicholas, gone missing, and to capture and bind into death the necromancer and sorcerer Hedge, who is awakening the Dead.

However, that is not all they have to confront. With a sudden discovery about a ninth Great Spirit, somehow linked with Sameth's frind Nichloas, things may as well be written in a death book... so, we ask that common question: will they (Lirael and Sameth) be enough to face this monster? And what of Sabriel?
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A Fitting End to a Seminal Trilogy
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Reader reviewed by Zoë Marriott

Abhorsen is a triumph for Garth Nix, and final proof that the law of decreasing sequels does not apply to this man.

In this brilliant novel, Lirael, Sam, Moggett and the Disreputable Dog (I love that name!) are on a quest to escape from the massing forces of the Dead and to discover the name of the ultimate evil that is orchestrating events and how to defeat it.

Using her skills as remembrancer and Abhorsen-in-training, Lirael must travel into Death to find the answers in the past, and it's Prince Sameth's job not only to keep her alive but also to enlist as much help as possible in their quest. But the clock is ticking faster than even they know...

I really love this book. It has everything that makes a novel great, and all the elements that make a good fantasy too. The characters are beautifully drawn, from unpredictable Mogget to noble Sabriel and in particular matter-of-fact, romantic, brave Lirael. The pace is cracking, leaving the reader almost breathless and certainly unable to put the book down. The magical systems - the formation of Death, the spells, the use of the bells and the remembrancer's tools - are unique, well thought-out and terribly well realised. And best of all, every theme and story arch comes together here in a climax that is one of the best I've ever come across. There's even a hint of romance...

Nix has come a long way since he wrote Sabriel ten years ago. This book showcases his talents at their very peak, and as such should be an essential on every fantasy fan's shelf.
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Reader reviewed by Jessica

Abhorsen is a terrific book to read if you the kind of person who hates it when the next book in a series doesn't pick up right where it left off.

I really enjoyed Lirel's dog companion. He seemed like a good advasary for the cat.
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