Review Detail

Kids Fiction 242
picture book about friendship and fears
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
A FRIEND FOR MOLE is a cute picture book that speaks to unlikely friendships and shared experiences. Mole is happy living in his hole underground. He hears things from above, but one day, the sound of rushing feet makes him wonder what is going on. When he comes out to see, the light and sounds are blinding. Mole cannot find his way home and is afraid. He falls asleep in a bush.

When night arrives, he meets a new friend, who is also afraid- but of the dark. Together they pass the time until they can find their way home together. The book features cute illustrations of Mole and his new friend, Wolf, and the ways that they interact.

What I loved: This is a cute story about sharing your fears and overcoming them with the help of friends. It also speaks to the need to help others. The story flows pretty smoothly and the animals are very cute.

What left me wanting more: The story is a little lengthy and the pictures are not very detailed, making it better for older picture book readers who like more words vs. pictures.

Final verdict: An overall sweet story about unlikely friendships and fears, A FRIEND FOR MOLE is a cute book with appeal for older picture book readers.
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