Wolfsbane (Nightshade, Book 2)

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Review: Wolfsbane (Nightshade #2)
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Wolfsbane is the second book of this series. The book after Nightshade.

After reading Nightshade, Wolfsbane has higher expectations. Did Wolfsbane meet its expectations?

Obviously, the answer isn't that simple. Yes, there are some parts that reach the expectation. No, other parts were not quite... brilliant.


The writing of Andrea Cremer is always amazing. It didn't really exceed expectations nor fail it. I wasn't really wowed by it. The plot was faired much better than the writing. Full of twist and turns, it will delight readers like you and me.

Calla is a strong and leading character. She isn't as ignorant as she used to be, but still frustrating and annoying. Focus on your pack's safety, not your love triangle! I like how Calla grieves for her lost teammates, but she doesn't clutch hold to the past. Instead, she lets go of it, refusing to stay behind like some other main characters. Calla is a little too obsessed into her little own world and the situation between Ren and Shay, and needs to focus on other people. Be like Tris from Divergent.

Shay is the awesome love interest of Calla. I like how protective he was of her throughout the series so far. He's the lone wolf, but is truly an alpha inside. I want more of Ren and Shay moments!


The ending was terrible. The cliffhanger left off at on a off-pitch tune. If I write a book, I would have pick a much better ending.

Too many people died. It's like half of the Searchers died. Too much like an Harry Potter death scene. Save the blood for the last battle.

Shay has a hidden weapon. Why don't you search for it right away? Don't wait for your pack. Search for those three pieces.

Rating: Three out of five.

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One Large Info-Dump/Where's Ren?!
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I loved Nightshade. It was fast-paced, romantic and had an independent and strong heroine. Unfortunately, Wolfsbane did not live up to any of those expectations. Where Nightshade almost cruelly leaked out clues about the Guardians origins, leaving me desperate for more information, Wolfsbane was one large info-dump about the Searchers and their intricately linked history with the Keepers. My mind is reeling with all of the information I have gained, so while I (mostly) have their history sorted out, the manner with which I was given the information was horribly executed.

For the first couple hundred pages, amidst the non-stop bickering which had me putting the book down several times, we are subjected to a Searcher making a vague statement about some historical fact, to which Calla or Shay would reply with some inane question in order to continue with the guise of this info dump as being an actual conversation. This made most exchanges feel forced as they lacked the fluidity of a natural conversation; I kept finding myself skimming sections which were just Calla or Shay saying something like "I don't understand", followed by some bickering between the Searchers, before the conversation was brought back to the subject at hand and more information was given. It got to be quite tedious.

Once I got used to the bickering and info-dumping, I was then left with the perplexing manner with which Calla reacted to being held captive by her once-feared enemies, and then her answer when asked to help them with a mission before being given any real information. The Calla from Nightshade would have resisted being told what to do (after all, she is an alpha) and would have put up a fight before agreeing to help people she once called enemies, especially when they refused to explain themselves or their side of the story. Instead she agrees to help them in their mission due to her eagerness to help her pack (her pack that she didn't think twice about abandoning), without thinking anything through, which ultimately leads her directly into a trap - a trap Shay recognized might be possible, but neglected to mention. I love Calla, I really do - but she made it hard for me to like her in Wolfsbane. She was selfish and overly-emotional and completely unable to ever make a rational decision. She swooned each time Shay forced himself on her, before her head could catch up to her hormones and remind her that she wasn't fully comfortable with being with him.

Speaking of Shay, I really don't like him. Finding out he is "the Chosen One" - the Scion - seemingly has gone to his head: he's arrogant and over-confident and completely unwilling to let Calla make any decisions for herself, including whether she wants to be with him. He forces himself on her repeatedly, and it's only when she physically pushes him away does he take her "no" for an answer. He is so selfish that he can't see how leaving Ren (and the rest of her pack) might be emotionally draining, and that the last thing she needs is for him to push sex on her. He's jealous of any other person even looking at Calla, but has no problem with the way in which Adne compliments him or uses any excuse she can find to be near him, touching him in some way. His presence is overwhelming, and I found myself constantly hoping for Ren's return. His ultimate betrayal (for me) though, was when he omitted telling the Searchers that he had entered Haldis and had retrieved the item being held there. Had the Searchers known this bit of information, they would have known that their plan to retrieve the members of Calla's pack was flawed and lives may have been saved - and Calla's life would never have been in danger. How he could choose to omit something that big, and then claim it was out of love for Calla, is beyond me.

Having said all of this, I must admit that the plot still moved quite quickly, and I was fascinated with learning more about the Guardians and their Keepers. And even though I was mentally picking apart several aspects of how Wolfsbane was written, I still found it to be an enjoyable read, and I can see why other people (those who emphasize with Shay perhaps) may have liked it even more then Nightshade. I had hoped there would be more of Ren, but I was sadly disappointed. The introduction of new supporting characters was poorly done, as I wasn't made to care for any of them as they all acted so secretive, and I still don't understand the dynamic between many of them. What's going on with Adne and Connor? Why does Ethan seemed so infatuated with Sabine, someone who he sees as an abomination? I did foresee the big twist concerning Munroe, which made a revelation towards the ending less shocking, but my investment in Calla and Ren has me interested in seeing what happens in Bloodrose.
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So Over This Love Triangle
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I absolutely cannot stand Calla, Ren and Shay. This is unfortunate, given that they are the main characters and that I am probably supposed to like them. Here's the thing: they're supposed to be in this epic love triangle, wherein Calla really is supposed to be with both guys. Yeah, I just don't buy that. You can love both, but you can't love them the same. You either are in love with one of them and will let the other down as easily as possible, or you don't love either one and should start looking for someone better. All of them spend the whole book being completely jealous of any other person who looks at their beloved. Ugh!

Thankfully, the story is action-packed and exciting, which kept me moving through the book, even though I sometimes wanted to hurl it into the wall...or hurl on Calla. The other characters, too, are much more likable. I really loved Connor and Ethan, despite the fact that they're not the most charming folk. Sabine and Bryn both proved awesome. And, of course, Nev and Mason have always been the adorablest.

All in all, a solid follow up to Nightshade that leaves me ready for more, although preferably with less love triangle nonsense (though I doubt it). If you loved the first book, you'll love this one too. Those who think love triangle nonsense is incredibly irritating (even moreso than I do) should probably give the whole series a pass.
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More is just not enough: Keep it coming, Andrea!
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The second book in the Nightshade series. When Calla was captured and she woke up with her sworn enemies, I was holding my breath and just hoping they didn't hurt her too badly. Though, when they offered for her to join them, I knew she would accept and that this choice would affect everything that came afterwards.

I must admit, I found the first book drew me in more, but this book came a pretty close second. The love triangle of Ren, Calla and Shay really got me, and I really am a Team Shay person. I hope she chooses Shay to be her mate.

In this book, Calla really grows as a person (and a wolf, for that matter) and she starts making her own decisions and becoming more stubborn, headstrong and determined than ever (not that she wasn't enough of all those before). Shay, too, becomes a stronger character, defending Calla and fighting over her with Ren as the wolf that he really is.

I was desperately reading the last bit of the book, and when Andrea left everyone with an ENORMOUS cliffhanger, I was very, very, very frustrated and desperately trying to find the third book from where I had put it in my bag. I just hope that the third book will not leave us hanging FOREVER. That is, if Andrea is planning to leave it a trilogy.

I wonder what choices Calla will make in the third book, and how much she is prepared to sacrifice in the name of love. More importantly, who will she choose? Shay? Or Ren?I'm guessing Shay.
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Wolfsbane is the second book in the nightshade series. In the start of this book, Calla wakes up in the lair of her sworn enemies. They give her a choice, a chance to destroy her former masters and save her pack. In this book Calla is in control of her own destiny and she can decide what is worth fighting for and how many trials can her live survive.
Good Points
I love the characters!! All have their own story to tell!! I loved how the book was in Calla's point of view, it gave a whole different perspective.
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If we're friends on Twitter or Facebook you know that last week I was stalking my UPS man for the delivery of several books. One of those books was Wolfsbane. It is the sequel to Nightshade and I have been counting down to its arrival for months. I finally got my copy last Friday and put everything on hold until I finished it. My read through included all of the following emotions/phrases (not necessarily in this order and often repeated):

I knew it!
What the?!?!
How did that happen?!?!
That did not just happen!!
He did what?!!?
Are you kidding me???

Wolfsbane was a roller coaster from page one and the ride didn't end on the last page of the book. The cliffhanger at the end left me feeling like I was stuck upside down on one of the loops of the roller coaster. Of course, I knew going into it that it would be like it. I willingly got on this ride ;)

I can't say much because just about anything will be a spoiler. I can say that I adored this book. Andrea has created a world and characters that evoke very strong emotions from me. Andrea also tackles themes like feminism, nature vs. nurture, racism, free agency, and many more. The beauty of her books is that she brings up these topics in a way that doesn't come across as a homework assignment. (I don't have children but if I did I would love to have my older teens read these books and then discuss them. What a great way to start conversations about deep topics that's not a school lecture!)

In addition to creating deep, meaningful characters and situations Andrea is also the queen of creating swoon-worthy men. I was in love with several of the men in Nightshade and in Wolfsbane I fell in love with a few more. I'm still unsure which way I want the love triangle to go- poor Calla has quite a choice to make!

I know that Bloodrose is going to be a rough read but I'm really looking forward to it.
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A wild, heart racing ride!
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With the cliffhanger Nighshade left us with, I couldn’t wait to find out what the fates held for Calla, Shay, Ren and the rest of the pack.

The book picks up right where Nighshade ends. Calla is in the hands of the Searches, her once sworn enemies. As Calla begins to trust the Searches and learn her true history, she must also begin to deal with the repercussions of her decision to leave her loved ones behind.

While Calla feels sure of why she ran with Shay, she is now left wondering about the fate of her packmates, family and friends in the hands of the Keeps. Desperate to save them, Calla must trust the people she was taught to hate not only with her own safety and well being but with the safety of her loved ones as well, if she can even find them.

Andrea does an amazing job at weaving the answers to questions left unanswered in Nighshade and introducing the a new world, the world of the Searches. Wolfsbane kept my heart racing from the moment I opened it until the moment I closed it. Packed with action, mysteries solved and a world of uncertainty, Andrea has created an amazing world where what was once is no more and what could be seems almost impossible. Although some mysteries seemed as to be solved, others are introduced leaving you aching for their answers.

At its heart this is a story about love and how that love binds us to the ones we love. I enjoyed every moment I spent with Calla, feeling her struggle, as if it were my own, as she tries to find out who she is, dealing with her actions and trying to find her place a mist learning a truth that is difficult to believe.

Andrea makes it easy to feel the love, pain, loyalty and fear her characters face through their journey, a journey worth taking.

This is an amazing read, heart racing from the first page to the last and will leave you wanting, aching for the next book.
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Wow...I mean wow!
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Okay, so I bought Nightshade on a whim when my local Borders put up their “Going out of Business” signs and all books were on sale. It was one of the best impulse buys ever! I was hooked and could not WAIT until Wolfsbane came out. I geeked it up and put the bad boy on preorder STAT!
I was not disappointed at all! Love Andrea Cremer and her world of shape shifters. Calla Tor is about as fierce a heroine as I have yet to read. She is loyal beyond everything to her pack and she will not lay down in submission to anyone. I love it!
In Nightshade you learned of her world that came crashing down when truths were spilled. In Wolfsbane Calla begins to pick up the pieces of her life and come up with a game plan to get her pack back. It is not an easy road, but she has to do it. Too many pups are counting on her. Calla finds strength where she didn’t think she had any and seriously starts to kick some backside.
On the flip side you get the pleasure of really getting to know more about Shay. I have to admit I was Team Ren for Nightshade, but Shay really steals your heart in Wolfsbane. He is fiercely protective of Calla, and she has to pull him back a hair when he gets out of line. She is Alpha after all! Ren is still worthy of some serious panting, especially now that we see him in a more fragile and broken perspective.
Wolfsbane answers some questions from Nightshade and will leave you begging for scraps for the next round from Ms. Cremer.
Good Points
The characters are fab and the pace is perfect! A great ride from cover to cover and cannot wait for the next installment.
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Definitely lived up to my expectations!
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I have wanted to read this book since I read the last page of Nightshade about a year ago. I must say, I am NOT disappointed. Cremer created compelling characters, a juicy history, and a luscious romance with Nightshade and as I learned more about all of those things in Wolfsbane, I found myself loving the series even more. Mind-blowing secrets are unveiled and heartbreaking decisions are made.

This book really explains a lot of things that were unclear to me in Nightshade. It delves further into the history of the Keepers, the Searchers, and the Guardians and introduces great new characters.

One thing I think is important about this series is that it is NOT about werewolves. Upon reading Nightshade, I made the mistake of believing that it was a werewolf tale, But as I learned more about the characters and witnessed the challenges that they faced I realized that it was so much more than that. This series is about love, about sacrifice, about protecting those you love, about making life-altering decisions, about learning who to trust. This series is so much more than a werewolf story and it has a uniqueness all its own.
Good Points
The protagonist. Calla Tor is independent, strong (both physically and emotionally), and she has a tongue as sharp as her teeth. She would do anything to protect the people that she loves and she has an iron strong will. Nobody gets away with messing with her. She has to make a lot of extremely difficult decisions for the sake of her pack and her heart. She is a fearless leader, ready to jump into battle at any time. She's not afraid to ask the questions that nobody else would dare ask and she has a tendency to get to the bottom of things.

The lust. There is PLENTY of that in this series and it is refreshing compared to the mushy crap that takes place in a lot of books. Because while there is plenty of love in this book, there's also a whole lot of temptation to rip clothes off.

The history. Me saying that I like the history of anything is not a frequent occurrence. I've always dreaded history of any sort, but the history of Nightshade is full of deception, blood shed, and other awesome factors that make me actually want to learn more.

The deaths. It seems a little harsh to LIKE people dying, but what can I say? I guess I'm a harsh person. Because when you are shoved into the kind of situations that the characters from Wolfsbane are shoved into, people are going to die. Not everybody is going to make it out of those ordeals.
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Review From Blkosiner's Book Blog
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Wolfsbane is a great second book in the series... I say this because there is a huge cliff-hanger, and I am left wishing that it wasn't in fact the end of the book, but of a chapter... Because I'm itching to know what happens.
We get filled in on a lot of what left me scratching my head in Nightshade, but I forgave because of the vibrant characters and racing plot. Though this makes for a bit of a slow start. I had a hard time remembering all the details from Nightshade, and it took me a bit to get back in the world when bombarded with new characters and lots of history. That said, she did a great job incorporating it, and it answered so many questions, and left room for more with the next book.
Shay really gets his chance to shine in this book, and to me, he really seems to come out on top. Now, a complete blindsight could come in Bloodrose, and put Ren seriously back in the running in my eyes in BR, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
This book is heartbreaking, finding out what happens after Calla and Shay escape, and what those left behind are left to handle. The new characters also bring a rich texture to the story, and Connor especially kept me turning the page... For me, choosing between Ren and Shay has always mostly been for Calla, but I'll take Connor for myself :)
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