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4.4 11
Young Adult Fiction 459
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If we're friends on Twitter or Facebook you know that last week I was stalking my UPS man for the delivery of several books. One of those books was Wolfsbane. It is the sequel to Nightshade and I have been counting down to its arrival for months. I finally got my copy last Friday and put everything on hold until I finished it. My read through included all of the following emotions/phrases (not necessarily in this order and often repeated):

I knew it!
What the?!?!
How did that happen?!?!
That did not just happen!!
He did what?!!?
Are you kidding me???

Wolfsbane was a roller coaster from page one and the ride didn't end on the last page of the book. The cliffhanger at the end left me feeling like I was stuck upside down on one of the loops of the roller coaster. Of course, I knew going into it that it would be like it. I willingly got on this ride ;)

I can't say much because just about anything will be a spoiler. I can say that I adored this book. Andrea has created a world and characters that evoke very strong emotions from me. Andrea also tackles themes like feminism, nature vs. nurture, racism, free agency, and many more. The beauty of her books is that she brings up these topics in a way that doesn't come across as a homework assignment. (I don't have children but if I did I would love to have my older teens read these books and then discuss them. What a great way to start conversations about deep topics that's not a school lecture!)

In addition to creating deep, meaningful characters and situations Andrea is also the queen of creating swoon-worthy men. I was in love with several of the men in Nightshade and in Wolfsbane I fell in love with a few more. I'm still unsure which way I want the love triangle to go- poor Calla has quite a choice to make!

I know that Bloodrose is going to be a rough read but I'm really looking forward to it.
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