Review Detail

4.4 11
Young Adult Fiction 460
More is just not enough: Keep it coming, Andrea!
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The second book in the Nightshade series. When Calla was captured and she woke up with her sworn enemies, I was holding my breath and just hoping they didn't hurt her too badly. Though, when they offered for her to join them, I knew she would accept and that this choice would affect everything that came afterwards.

I must admit, I found the first book drew me in more, but this book came a pretty close second. The love triangle of Ren, Calla and Shay really got me, and I really am a Team Shay person. I hope she chooses Shay to be her mate.

In this book, Calla really grows as a person (and a wolf, for that matter) and she starts making her own decisions and becoming more stubborn, headstrong and determined than ever (not that she wasn't enough of all those before). Shay, too, becomes a stronger character, defending Calla and fighting over her with Ren as the wolf that he really is.

I was desperately reading the last bit of the book, and when Andrea left everyone with an ENORMOUS cliffhanger, I was very, very, very frustrated and desperately trying to find the third book from where I had put it in my bag. I just hope that the third book will not leave us hanging FOREVER. That is, if Andrea is planning to leave it a trilogy.

I wonder what choices Calla will make in the third book, and how much she is prepared to sacrifice in the name of love. More importantly, who will she choose? Shay? Or Ren?I'm guessing Shay.
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