Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely #1)

4.2 (48)
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Reader reviewed by Beth

Wicked Lovely is one of the best books I have read in a very long time. I found it impossible to put down because Melissa Marr had drawn me into her fantastic world. The characters are all fascinating, and the plot is drawn with elegance. This book is fantastic and left me wanting more.
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dark and twisted.. and beautiful
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Reader reviewed by c-alexis

This was a beautifully dark story about faeries that aren't all light and fairy dust. The world of the faeries is in chaos, and the faeries themselves can be so evil and malicious. They make Tinker Bell seem like a childish and bratty fairy. I loved the character of Aislinn, who is captivated by the aura of faeries, but her strength and character keeps her from falling into a trance. Throughout the book, the choices that she has to choose seem bound and relentless, but Marr finds a way for Aislinn to get out of it. I loved the ending, but that is for me to know, and for all you readers to find out. Definitely go pick out this book and read.

Reprinted here with author's permission.
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Wicked Weird
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Reader reviewed by Lisa

This book was extremely difficult to get in to. The beginning was a bunch of jargon about faeries and court fey that I didnt understand. I was really glad that I stuck with the book though because it was alright at the end. Through the book the author switched the point of view from the main character to some other characters which I loved because its always great to see the views of all of the characters. I loved the moral of the book also which I found to be that even though it seems like your choices are limited and you dont want to do something with the cards you have dealt, you will always have the choice which you should always cherish. Especially here in America we have the freedom to our own decisions which can make our lives better if we will ourselves to cherish our opinions and choices. There are a lot of mentions of sex in this book but it seems appropriate since the girl is in her late years of high school it seems. It was a great book that I liked but I know that a lot of kids wont want to read about these faeries especially because the first three chapters aren't engaging because of how confusing it is. I did buy the next book in the series because I got interested in this one but I still havn't started reading it after two months because it isn't as addictive as Harry Potter and Twlight.
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Wickedly Awesome
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Reader reviewed by Yan

Told in two different perspectives at different times, this novel tells of a girls life changing for the streets of a dingy neighbor to a feary princess, literally, um queen actually, but that's irrelevant.

This is another book for me that is a love to hate but can't help but love. It's an addicting story about Aislinn's family secret and her love to a non-feary that can or hopes to withstand all - even to a Adonis like (blond hair, sparkling eyes, the works) creature. A must read to people who enjoy reading about the "other" world =)
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Lovely Book
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Reader reviewed by Hillary

Aislinn has always seen the faeries. They may be invisible to the rest of the world, but Ash can see all the awful things they do to the humans. But as long as she follows the rules, they'll never know what she can do. They've always left her alone.

But then a very important faery starts to follow her around. The stalking continues and Ash begins to realize her life in in trouble. Her grandmother has always warned her to stay away from the faeries and she and Seth had finally started to become something more then friends, but now that's all over. When a faery King chooses, it's impossible to undo what happens.

I was unsure of this book when I bought it. I knew that a lot of people did like it, but I was not sure if I would. But I tried it anyway. It sat around on my bookshelf for a few months until I realized that I've been reading, an enjoying, a lot of fantasy books recently. So I decided to read it. And I was very pleased.

Wicked Lovely was a wonderful story. The writing was done very well. The characters could have been a little more developed and it wasn't really the type of story where you can relate to the characters but it was a great fantasy story.
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A different tale of Fairies
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Reader reviewed by Jessica

In this story, a young girl is born with the gift to see and hear the fairies that dwell in our world. As time passes, though, she finds that on in particular continues to follow her around and when he appears to her in his human suit, she can't help but be scared. The novel goes on the work around this with the narrators shifting to show what is happening elsewhere.

This creative novel is far from cliched and works to entice the reader. This is a non-stop read and can easily be read within one sitting. The quick changing action and scenes, along with the passionate flow of romance and fantasy has enough for readers every where with the mind to believe.
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Rule #3: Don't stare at invisible faeries. Rule #2: Don't speak to invisible faeries. Rule #1: Don't ever attract their attention.
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Reader reviewed by Kayla (Midnight Twilight)

Aislinn sees faeries, but not Tinkerbell like faeries, no, these are human size or larger, and live for making trouble with the humans that can't see them. They have strength speed and power that no human could ever compete with. In the past the three rules have kept Aislinn safe, but when a faerie royalty starts following her her life becomes jeopardized, along with the lives of her family and friends. What would happen if the faeries found out that she could see them, Aislinn has to do everything in her power to try to keep the answer from happening.

Melissa Marr took a very used up topic, the secret world of faeries, and made it very original and fun. I loved the depth and descriptions of the faeries, it was easy to be pulled into this fantasy world and think it could be real. This book has everything in one, the supernatural, love, deception, and fierce battles. I also love how the narration skips between three people (well people and faeries), but it all seems unified. I love seeing different things through different points of view, it helps to understand the characters better, and i think it made this story very compelling. I'm off to start reading the second book in the series Ink Exchange.
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Amazing Urban Fantasy book!
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Reader reviewed by Bookluver-Carol

High School junior, Aislinn, has always been able to see faeries but must keep it hidden because if the faeries find out they might hurt her or worse- even kill her. Faeries can be hurt by steel so Aislinn lives in a city where steel is abundant. She's a witness to the faeries cruelty on each other and humans but she can't do anything about it. When two faeries begin stalking her Aislinn is pulled into a centuries old game to see who get the power, the Winter Queen or the Summer King. The Summer King ,Keenan,who wants to restore summer in the world but the Winter Queen wants to freeze the earth and eventually kill all the humans. In order to see if Aislinn can help save the humans and restore summer she must pass a test that no other human has been able to pass. If she fails she would become the Winter Girl.

Melissa Marr writes a great modern Urban Fantasy book. Her characters have depth and seem real. The plot was really good and well-written. She creates a world which conveys the life and politics of the faeries. The suspense is always their. The different point of views allow you to read what the others are thinking and make you like them. The romance was very good and realistic.I couldn't put the book down and it kept me interested. Melissa Marr is a great author.
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Reader reviewed by abscae

Simply put: I found this novel to be enchanting. It's hard to find YA novels with such lyrical words and sentences; those which flow as easy as melodious music, but Wicked Lovely did it for me.

At first it's sort of hard to get into the fantasy aspect of the novel: it's a whole different world and some of the concepts I found hard to adapt to. Some of it was hard to understand completely, why some of the characters did what they did, but by the end, I was enraptured. Such a fantastic tale! The words simply pulled me into the story and kept be riveted until the very end. Definitely one I'd recommend.
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Good First Book
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Reader reviewed by Gigi

Aslinn is an ordinary girl, with just one exception-she can see faeries. At first, this may seem really cool but, if the faeries find out that she can see them, then she will be in grave danger. Because of this, Aslinn lives in constant fear that her secret will be found out and seeks refuge in her guy friend's, Seth's, steel house. But when she catches the attention of Keenan, the Summer King, Aslinn does not know how much longer she can keep her secret (and loved ones) safe from the Faery World.
Melissa Marr's debut novel, Wicked Lovely, is a story of love and hate, good and evil, summer and winter-complete opposites that might be disasterous when used in other books, but not this one. There were some parts of the novel that I thought were boring, but, overall, this is a great book and I look forward to reading the sequel.
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