Warm Bodies (Warm Bodies #1)

4.5 (6)
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We're at the cultural stage where we've stopped wanting to kill zombies and have begun wanting to love them.
I can sit back and appreciate this transformation since I was too young to notice when it happened to vampires.

You remember, "Dracula" and "Nosferatu" became "louis de point du lac" and "angel, the vampire with a soul".
We began bestowing upon them the very human gift of guilt. They began to regret their vicious bloodstained past and desire change which immediately cancels out any crimes they've committed, right?


If I were an optimist I'd say this cultural habit of embracing monsters speaks for the inherent compassion of the human collective. But I actually think it just says that we realize that evil can go far beyond the realm of bodily harm and zombies, bad as they are, are not capable of the breadth and variety of depravity that we humans are capable of.

That's why we've decided to forgive them. We realize we could do a lot worse than they can.

We are no longer afraid of the monsters. we accept that we are the monsters.

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Book Review: Warm Bodies
(Updated: August 17, 2013)
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I decided to read this book again because I remembered loving it the first time, and I really wanted to compare it to the movie version that was released not too long ago.

Memory did not fail me. This novel is just as clever and self-questioning as I remember.

A lot of today's literature and film allude to the concept of the total annihilation of the human race and what becomes of this earth thereafter. Those theories, played out in whatever medium, always kind of end up looking and sounding the same; few of them really ever stick out and impress me. Warm Bodies is one of those few.

The way Marion composes this story, the way he uses his words to create the wonderful characters in this world: can you say 'captivating'? because that's exactly what it is when summed up into one word. He speaks in poetry, metaphors and similes and whatnot, which is always a plus for me. This isn't just a typical book about life after most of human civilization has been whipped out, it's more about searching for a way to hold on and push through the darkness that the world has become.

The unlikely hero of this book, R, is a zombie that is a little different than the rest. He doesn't just go about his day grunting, groaning, and thinking about eating human flesh. No. The wheels in his not-so-fresh mind turn; he thinks, wonders, plans for a better future, whatever that may mean.

“In my mind I am eloquent; I can climb intricate scaffolds of words to reach the highest cathedral ceilings and paint my thoughts. But when I open my mouth, everything collapses.”

R meets Julie and kidnaps her after eating her estranged boyfriend, Perry. Tasting Perry's brain gave R the capabilities to go into his memories and relive them as if he was Perry. Whether it is a chemical reaction that allows R to "speak" to Perry or if it's something bigger is never clear; but whatever it is allowed R to be able to focus more on fixing the world so that both the Dead and the Living can be free to coexist peacefully in the near future. Julie becomes a big part of this story. You can even say that it is because of her that R could no longer simply be described as a "zombie". He morphed into so much more than that. He turned into the hope that both the Dead and the Living did not know they were looking for.

“There's no benchmark for how life's "supposed" to happen. There is no ideal world for you to wait around for. The world is always just what it is now, it's up to you how you respond to it.”

I can't stress enough how much I love this work. It forces me to think about how I can change things, small things/big things, in the society that we have come to live in so that the world can ultimately be a better place for future generations.

f-of-words.blogspot.com | Twitter - @fofwords
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Amazing Love Story!
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Never thought I would love a Zombie Romance as much as I did this book. I can't wait to see the movie.
Good Points
I bought Warm Bodies from Amazon and am providing my honest review.

I’ve been wanting to read Warm Bodies since it came out and because I want to check out the movie but I couldn’t do that without reading the book first, because I’m OCD like that. As many of you probably know Warm Bodies is the story of a zombie who meets a human girl and starts to have feelings for her. I mean really? What is this world coming to?! First were falling in love with vampires which is I guess okay because all they need to do is drink blood instead of completely killing someone. But zombies! They actually need to eat a person to stay alive so at first I was a tad bit skeptical.

The first few chapters of this book kind of confused me. It was just meeting R and seeing his life in the zombie world, that seems normal I know but some things happen in the very beginning that have nothing to do with the plot at all. Like R meeting a random zombie girl and getting married to her and then having kids thrown at them?? What was that about? It was definitely not needed in the book.

I liked R from the start, even when we first met him while he was eating people and stuff he still seemed like a pretty good guy. He didn’t enjoy eating the people but he knew he had to, to survive which is the only reason why he did. I think that R is going to be in my mind for a long time after I finish this book.

In about the middle of the book a little before we are introduced to a new character, Perry. I’m not going to tell you how because it’s a spoiler but I have to say Perry’s character at first did give R a run for his money in my mind. Even though I loved R from the beginning I started to feel bad and like Perry as well. Julie seemed like a cool character as well, I liked it when she started to open and trust R it surprised me because you’d think she wouldn’t be as open at first because dude! He’s a zombie and at any second he could eat your brains!

I was very nervous to read this book but I have to say I’m glad I gave it a chance because I fell in love with this book. It gets a 5 out of 5 stars, and I can’t wait to read the movie.
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