Review Detail

4.2 9
Young Adult Fiction 256
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I really couldn't get into this book until the very end. I don't know why, it just didn't capture my attention. The plot sounded amazing but it didn't turn out to be anything like I expected. It sounded so original, but it could have been executed better.

I couldn't stand the main character, Gemma. I found her to be insufferable. She was self-centered, whiny and towards the end treated the people who wanted to help her like garbage. She was just awful. She was impossible to relate to or even like.

Her sister Harper on the other hand, I loved. The story should have been told from her point of view, she cared more about what was going on around her than her own issues. She was kind, unafraid to ask for help and she tried to take care of everybody. And the relationship that begins to build between her and Daniel was just adorable.

Alex was another great character, he was attractive but didn't realise it so the whole book wasn't like "oh my boyfriend is so hot and he knows it so he flaunts it constantly" (If that were the case I would have thrown the book -.-). He actually cared about Gemma even though it seemed like all she cared about was what was going on in her own world.

Penn, Thea and Lexi are the bad girls in this story and they come off as evil and vicious and all around unlikeable which is fine since they are supposed to be that way. It's not a good thing when the main character comes off in this manner as well.

Harper, Daniel and Alex were my favorites. Mainly because they were the only ones who weren't obnoxious or annoying or downright evil.

The story did flow well but like I said it didn't grab my attention as well as it should have. I guessed what the three girls were pretty early on and the crimes that were committed were no suprise for me when it was revealed who was doing it.

If you want to read this book go for it, I in no way think it's a terrible book. It's just not as great as it could have been. You may love it but it really just wasn't for me
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