Waiting on Wednesday ~ May 24, 2023

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.



*Connie’s Choice*

(YABC Site Manager)

Cherish (Crave, 6)

Author: Tracy Wolff

Expected Publication Date: May 30, 2023

The sensational conclusion to the massive #1 New York Times bestselling series…

It’s been over three months since my friends and I took down Cyrus. Three months where my biggest fear was what paper was due next… But I should have known it was too good to last. Now everything is falling apart.

The Vampire Court has no king, the Dragon Court has no heart, and the Gargoyle Court has me―a teenager in way over her head. And it’s the worst possible timing, because a threat is brewing just as the Circle is collapsing.

I have no choice but to return to the Shadow Realm and face the terrifying queen who nearly ended us…and make a deal with her to save Mekhi. But this time, I’m bringing my powerful friends with me―and Hudson. Except something is wrong with him, too. He’s keeping a secret―even from me.

All I know is that everyone’s life hangs in the balance. And it’s my fault―because I still owe the Crone a favor…and now she’s come to collect.



*Mark’s Choice*

(YABC Staff Reviewer)

Aliyah Serin and the Box of Zenas

Author: Lucy Anne Holland

Publishing Date: 6/16/23


Aliyah Serin is extraordinary. She was born with the unique ability to control two of the five elements—fire, water, earth, air, and aether—in a society where each individual is limited to only one. If that isn’t enough for the newspapers to gossip about, her parents were murdered and the killer was never found.

One day, a frightening incident causes Aliyah to be sent to Petrovis School for Young Elementalists. Her Uncle Leo hopes that she will be kept safe and out of trouble at Petrovis, but he couldn’t have been more wrong. Aliyah discovers a network of hidden passageways within the school that she believes are meant to protect the mysterious and powerful artifact known as the Box of Zenas. But she isn’t the only one who knows about the box. Someone else is after it, and with the help of her friends and the ghost of her great-great-great uncle, Aliyah must race to find the box before her opponent does. In the wrong hands, it could give someone the power to do terrible things, even spell the doom of the entire Elementalist society.




What book are you looking forward to in 2023?

Comment the name of the book below!