Waiting for the Stars

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Waiting for the Stars
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Release Date
June 04, 2024
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Mouse is finally going to stay up past her bedtime to see the stars—but can she find a way to stay awake?

Mouse is SO excited—for the first time ever, she gets to stay up past her bedtime and look at the stars with her friends. But phew! Staying awake is difficult! Can Mouse keep her little eyes open? And what happens when the clouds get in the way of the stars that Mouse has been waiting so patiently to see? Luckily, her best friend Firefly is there to save the day!

Editor reviews

2 reviews
Sweet story about anticipation
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Waiting For The Stars is a super sweet children's book.

This book is easy for young children to connect with, with its central theme of anticipation paired with friendship.
The characters; Mouse, Owl, Firefly, and Squirrel are adorable. Their friendship is heartwarming and shows there isn't much a friend wont do to see you smile.

I loved the idea behind this plot, but the story felt disjointed to me. My son 6) was a bit disappointed that the nocturnal animals fell asleep waiting for the stars, making me believe he is either too old for this story or maybe the other should have chosen diurnal animals.

The illustrations are lovely. They are elegant and playful at the same time. We loved finding the different patters in the animals.

Waiting For The Stars is an adorable bedtime story, teaching children patience & the beauty of the night sky.
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cute picture book about friendship, stars, and patience
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WAITING FOR THE STARS is a sweet picture book about anticipation, friendship, and stargazing. Mouse and her friends, Owl, Firefly, and Squirrel are staying awake at night to see the stars, but the wait feels so very long. Mouse is so excited, but with Owl's long story and the soothing warmth of her friends, she is finding it hard to stay awake. Just when it seems impossible, they see the stars, and they are so pretty. However, a cloud rolls in and blocks their view. Luckily, Firefly and friends create a special view for the friends.

What I loved: This story will resonate with young readers who understand anticipation and how hard it can be to wait for things you are excited about. Seeing the stars can be a very thrilling event, even though staying awake at night may not be as easy. Messages of friendship and enjoying the night sky shine through this simple story. Elegant illustrations set against the dark night make this a solid pick for bedtime.

What left me wanting more: As a small thing, the story felt disjointed in places and as though it needs to be read between the lines, which can be a tough thing for toddlers, who will need some of the story explained to them.

Final verdict: Overall, WAITING FOR THE STARS is a cute picture book about the difficulty of patience, the magic of stars, and the power of friendship.
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