Review Detail

Kids Fiction 332
Sweet and Funny
Overall rating
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Stig is like any other Viking who loves stew and fresh air, but there's one that makes him completely different. He hates the sea. When he sees Ingrid, it's love at first sight. The only problem is that she loves the sea and is always on her boat. For this reason, Stig doesn't know how to talk to her, so he writes her a letter. Now, he has to figure out how to get it to her because he hates the sea. In the end, he has to overcome his fear to reach the one he loves.

VIKING IN LOVE is a love-at-first-sight story full of humor and adorable illustrations. I love how this tough Viking doesn't like the water and is mushy with love in his heart. These qualities make him unique and very likable. Then, there's Ingrid who loves the sea and always has a smile on her face. The humor of the situation brings a laugh to both my daughter and me and I wouldn't mind more stories like this one.

Final Verdict: VIKING IN LOVE is an inspirational, yet funny, story of courage and love. My daughter and I really enjoyed this book and it would be a cute Valentine's Day gift, especially to children who love Vikings, humor, and the sea.
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