Tiger's Curse

4.2 (9)
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This is not recommended for me
(Updated: December 05, 2022)
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I'll have to say, the book cover and the plot were quite nice, but this author has not grasped the context of writing. She is a bad author overall, and everyone who says that this book is good (no offense) should go read some other BETTER books. She adds too many exclamation points, and it just makes it seem like a child's book, and she adds useless details. I don't even know how she has the ideas to create a series while being such a bad writer. I'm sorry, but this is the best I can give her.
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This is One of Those That Need to be Re-Read
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The story-line of this book was so amazing. It was really unique and had great depth. I loved the idea of a normal girl who becomes involved in a curse and a boy who the curse was based on. The characters were amazing and the flow was great. I loved the back and forth battle and the way the story ends up playing out.

Kelsey was an amazing character that under-valued herself. It actually irritated me when she gave up something great because she didn’t believe that she was beautiful and smart enough to keep it. Yet her giving and kind-hearted nature balanced it out and made you want her to realize her true value. I loved the story from her point of view and appreciated her her personality and view point.

Ren was such an amazing character and I loved his emotions and thoughts that he presented throughout the book. He was very charismatic and I loved the way he expressed and held himself. It was easy to see that he really liked Kelsey and I loved to read about their interactions and conversations.

Overall this book was amazing and I love to read and re-read it. It’s definitely one of my favorites and I can’t wait until Colleen Houk comes out with her new series! I will be keeping an eye out for it on b&n.
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Let The Jaw Hit The Floor
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I picked up this book not knowing what I was getting myself into, little did I know that I would fall in love with this series and even go on a road trip to see Colleen Houck just to get my books signed. I loved the characters of this book so much that when certain things would happen to them it would almost bring me to tears. I loved the plot of this book which is why I read it in the first place! I also liked how it was written and the fact that you can tell that the author did a lot of research and study to make everything in the story accurate and just right. I would recommend this book to anyone and know that they will be happy with it!
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Tiger's Curse
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Definitely worth my time! This is a book that you will read and then reread until the pages are crinkled from all the page turnings. I infact, own all of the books in this series and I for one never buy books! This book had a great plot that kept me interested and was super intense. The romance was great and the story was just so different from a lot of the other YA books. The writing was filled with imagery and emotion and brought you on a roller coaster. I've read over hundreds of books and I'd have to say this is my fav of all time. 5/5 stars :)

I loved that the plot was fresh. Nowadays a lot of young adult books have very shallow or similar topics and ideas, but this was a breath of insanity. It's crazy how good this book was. I loved the characters. I loved being able to connect with them and sympathize.
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Tiger's Curse
(Updated: May 20, 2013)
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Meeting a tiger and befriending it while working a temporary job at a circus was probably the furthest thing from Kelsey’s mind when she took the job. Getting offered an all expense paid trip to India to a reserve for her beloved tiger, probably even further. Finding out the sleek, white tiger who has become her best friend is actually a drop-dead-gorgeous prince with a 300-year old curse? Who would think that would ever enter their realm of reality? That is what happened with Kelsey and instead of being skeptical or struggling with this new found information, she embraces it completely and takes it in stride. That may have been my first indication that I was not going to find this book enjoyable.

Ren and Kelsey venture into adventures of various proportions to find ancient artifacts to offer to an Indian goddess and break the curse. The adventures in entail such bizarre things as booby-trapped temples, vicious foliage, and… vampire monkeys? Some of things that they encountered on their trips were interesting and even something I could imagine of an ancient Indian quest, but others were just too far-fetched to keep from laughing at.

Of course, along the way Ren and Kelsey develop a love affair. Ren is very understand and gentlemanly and Kelsey is whiney and self-destructive. I completely grasp the concept that in any good love story there needs to be obstacles for the main characters to overcome and, really, the whole being a tiger more often than human would have sufficed, but then to add in a girl who narrates every step she takes, talks to the tiger in man form as she would a pet dog, and decides she’s “not pretty enough” for Ren is just frustrating.

I found Kelsey incredibly hard to tolerate. Half the time I really wanted to jump through the pages and shake her. Not only did she have the full attention of Ren but she also sparked the interest of Ren’s brother who is also suffering from the tiger curse. Yet, she still feels she is unworthy of such delectable male specimens. Very frustrating.

Kelsey truly ruined the book for me. Her character was immature and more trouble than she was worth half the time. I don’t see what Ren and Kishan see in her. As I am a glutton for punishment and do wish to see how the romance and curse plays out, I will be reading the rest of the series. I really hope this is not a foreboding sign of what the rest of the series holds.

The one good thing I will say about this book is the cover and inside filigree on the pages was absolutely beautiful. I have considered purchasing a brand new hard cover copy simply because of its outside appearance and not for the story written across its pages.

Review posted on: http://www.ladybugliterature.blogspot.com
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Tiger's Curse
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I was so excited to read this book, I have never read anything set in India and I was interested in how the author would weave Indian myths into the story. I believe that the myths used in this story were very interesting and worked very well. I just wish I liked the book more than I did. Don't get me wrong I did like it, I just thought that I would love it.

The idea that a curse was put on two Indian princes and they have been trapped as tigers for more than 250 years was definitely intriguing and unique. The author pulled this off very well and placing it in modern times just added an element of understanding to the story. It also made it more difficult for the aforementioned princes.

Overall, I liked the characters. Ren was funny and sweet. He was completely loyal to Kelsey even when she treated him like crap. He refused to give up and even after living with the curse of being in the form of a tiger, he was one of the nicest people. I liked Kelsey in the beginning, she was cool and I could relate to her. As the story went on however she really started to annoy me. Ren was completely in love with her and she started pushing him away because she thought that once he was returned to his human form he wouldn't want her anymore because she's "plain". Even when Ren told her that he loved her she tried pushing him away, when that didn't work she got rather nasty with him. This drove me insane because she kept thinking that she loved him as well, she was being selfish and ridiculous.

My one major issue with this novel was that it was rather slow. The beginning drags a little bit but as the story progresses, there is a lot more action and the speed picks up. The adventure is compelling and it had me on the edge of my seat. Even though I didn't love this story, I liked it enough that I will be purchasing the second book because I can't wait to find out what happens to Ren and Kelsey later on in their adventures.
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If what I’ve heard is true, than this book started out as a self published novel; I thank you so much for doing that! Some authors would have let it sit, or fade into the background. But this thing was amazing—and I’m so happy you decided to put it into the world regardless.

What makes this story stand out is the mythology behind it. Many stories are based off of mythology, or at least influenced by it but this used Indian Mythology. It was so interesting looking at the stories and beliefs of another culture, and watching how it influenced the story.

The main character Kelsey Hayes is a very nice character. I loved watching her point of view and reactions to everything that was going on. She’s a very strong young woman and a very pleasant character.

The character Ren—the tiger to the Tiger’s Curse—is also very interesting to watch. I love watching how the curse affected him through his life, and how he views life because of it. It’s something different—in the best way possible.

I would highly recommend this book; it’s a very refreshing take on mythological based fiction, and isn’t something you see very often. To put it simply—it’s beautiful.
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Loving me some Tigers =)
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I really hope Kelsey ends up with Ren again because if she doesn't I'll just be to heart broken to continue with the series.
Good Points
What can I say everything was good! I loved the whole Ren is a tiger/man thing. I love Ren and Kelseys meant to be romance despite the ending =( and I love everything else! You can check out my full review on goodreads or on the blog which will be up tomorrow!
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Magical and fun YA romance
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Reader reviewed by Courtney

Have you ever looked at the caged animals at the circus and felt sorry for them?  I know I have! You wonder how they feel being locked up all the time. Well Kelsey is teenage girl who is filling in as a temp at her local circus and can't help but to feel sorry for the beautiful white tiger that is caged up.  She feels somehow connected to him and spends all her spare moments reading to him and talking to him while she is there! Then she wishes he could be free and suddenly her tiger is not just a tiger anymore but also a prince! Lucky girl! That's when the adventure begins!


I thought this story was very unique.  Sometimes a bit unbelievable but still very good!  I've never heard anything quite like it before! My favorite part of this story was Ren! Ren is gorgeous, of course, and he is sweet and charming and a prince! I am a sucker for prince charming, lame I know, but I am.  However, I was completely annoyed with Kelsey.  She was an annoying teenager! She drove me crazy, I felt she was too childish to be believable; I would have given this story 5 stars if Kelsey didn't drive me nuts! The problem is you can't have a totally unbelievable gorgeous prince and an annoying normal believable teenage girl; it just was slightly weird to me! 


There is lots of Indian history, myths and of course the tiger curse! I enjoyed all of that! The mystery was great and adventurous and the love story was pretty good.  The kissing scenes were amazing; I'd give it a PG-13 rating, overall pretty clean but just some hot kissing and no bad language! Enjoyable YA read!

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