Review Detail

Middle Grade Fiction 216
Enticing Mystery
Overall rating
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The World Famous Nine establishes an enticing mystery in an intriguing setting of the Number Nine Plaza store in Novatrosk. Zander’s grandmother owns the store and it has been in operation for over a hundred years. He goes to stay a few weeks with her and learns of a family mystery and possible doom unless he figures out what happened to a mystical mandala plate said to fortify the plaza.
He befriends Natasha who swings high above the patrons in several stores. Together they explore the wonders of the Number Nine Plaza and look for the clues left behind by Vladimir Winibee. There is enough intrigue and mystery to keep you turning the pages to find out what will happen.
The atmosphere and setting make for an enchanting read. There is danger but for most of the book, it is hard to figure out if there is magic at work or delusional people set on destruction. Zander makes personal growth when he works to overcome his fear of heights, which helps him during the showdown.
Overall, this was an engaging read with superb world-building and a great sense of mystery throughout. I think Middle-Grade readers especially on the younger end of the range will enjoy the puzzles and mysteries to solve.
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