Review Detail

Middle Grade Fiction 388
Unleash the power of words
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What worked:
This book is probably most appropriate for younger middle-grade readers, as the vocabulary, dialogue, and narrative aren’t overly complex. Kit, Alita, and Josh are the main characters and Kit is the lone wizard in the group, although the others know about magic and have learned some spells. They can’t actually cast any spells but they’re resources for Kit to draw from. Their support and friendship are important to Kit, although a decision she makes creates a problem with Alita and Josh. Josh is the fun character due to his knowledge and logic, but Kit has a reputation for making things blow up.
The story creates a strong relationship between magic and books. It’s refreshing to see a plot focusing on the power of words, although the power in this book literally comes from words. Even the trees in the underground Book Wood sprout from books. Sleeping dragons live below every library and librarians feed the beasts by reading to them every day. It’s unusual that the dragons are more powerful when asleep and characters communicate with them by entering their dreams.
The conflict centers around the discovery of a new dragon egg as it’s the source of great magical power. Kit is tasked with guarding the egg until it hatches so readers can predict problems are on the way. Some wizards want to use the egg to cast a world-changing spell but how is Kit supposed to stop them? Sure, she’s performed great deeds in the previous two books but she may be in over her head this time. Some characters from the first two books make a surprise reappearance and they’re motivated by revenge.
What didn’t work as well:
The early plot isn’t overly dramatic so more experienced readers may find it challenging to make a commitment. However, the author adds some twists later on to keep things interesting. Also, I find myself wondering about how the kids got together and how Kit became a wizard, but this book can easily be read independently from the others.
The Final Verdict:
Unleash the power of words. The author creates an entertaining tale of dragons and magic that will appeal to elementary-age readers. Kit is a young, powerful wizard still learning her craft and the author saves a huge surprise for the story’s climax. I recommend you give it a shot.
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