The Scorpio Races

4.7 (3)
4.7 (14)
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A New Favorite
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This may be my favorite of all of Maggie's books. Written in her trademark lyrical melancholy style, this book is both dark and hopeful. The setting is amazing. Truly one of the book's characters. Puck is spunky and contrary and brave and isn't easily seduced by romance. Neither is Sean. I love how well-rounded the two of them are, and the slow bloom of their relationship benefits from that.

The plot is perfectly paced. It really isn't a story about water horses (which are freaky monsters, I kid you not). Instead, it's a story about courage, and hope, and figuring out who you really are and what you really need. All of that plays out against the backdrop of the Scorpio Races and the incredible horses. I was thoroughly fascinated the entire time.

I wouldn't liked a little more romance in the romance moments. A little bit of lingering. But at the same time, Puck and Sean aren't characters who can afford to linger on romance. Their relationship was both sweet and authentic.

I would recommend this book to anyone without reservation.
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I wanted something...more
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I have been thinking about this review for well over a week now. I think that part of my problem is that after all the waiting and the secret hints and the grand cover reveal and the trailer…I was left feeling a bit underwhelmed with this book. I really, really wanted to love it. I was prepared to have another favorite to add to my list. I’m not sure if it was the hype, or if it was my current frame of mind, but I just wasn’t feeling it this time around. This is not to say that I do not love Maggie Stiefvater though, and will not continue to read her books. I really enjoyed her fae books, and of course I loved The Wolves of Mercy Falls Series; The Scorpio Races must just not have been my kind of book.

The book was filled with Stiefvater’s typical poetic imagery of course. There was so much about the island, and details about the horses and water horses, and daily life for Puck; I think I sort of just started to get lost. I started wondering – “where exactly are we?” Judging by Sean’s name – I’m assuming this is some kind of Irish setting…but I can’t really remember if it was said. (Audiobook – it’s a bit harder to go back and find information you might have missed.) Then I started wondering…why Puck? How did she get this nickname? I don't think this was answered, which seemed unusual to me. Usually in a book, all of these things are eventually revealed. Perhaps I missed it? Then the next question was “Why are we racing? What is the purpose, especially if so many people die each year?” The answer to this last question I have deduced; they race for the sport of it. No real reason is laid out, and given all the crazy American sports (hello, rodeo bull riders) really there isn’t any other reason necessary. I just wanted one I guess.

The entire book was very melancholy, which is another of Stiefvater’s writing traits, but usually she offers a pretty good balance of the fun, bright and happy to go with it. I wasn’t feeling it this time around. Even if the sun was shining and the sky was beautiful, I had this image of an oppressed small town caught in a bubble of constant drizzle. Perhaps it’s all the tragedy that follow the characters around, and their own oppressed lives that encouraged this image in my head, and we are seeing the world through their eyes.

I will say that I felt very positive about Puck and Sean's relationship. It was a very realisitic view of what falling into what might be love might actually look like. Both are timid in their admiration and their feelings. A friendship is formed, and with that comes...more. This I adored, and believe it or not, I did not long for anymore than what was given. Both Puck and Sean had so much going on in their lives, adding a bunch of passion and lovesickness to the mix would probably have been a bit over the top, yes?

I feel like I’m being unfair, but in the end I was just not crazy about this book at all. I have this crazy impulse to wait 6 months or a year and reread it – THAT is how much I wanted to enjoy this book, and how much I typically love Maggie Stiefvater's writing.
Good Points
Good slow moving romance
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Very well written
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My Review: Where do I start? I like to speak open and honestly with my opinions and my reviews. Books are not the only thing I write about, and a more negatively biased review is never fun to write. Someone, in this case, the author, poured their heart and soul into that project and I don’t like to rain on anyone’s parade. But a review is nothing more than a critique. And perhaps the author may appreciate it? I’m not sure.

The Scorpio races just did not grab my attention. Throughout the entire book I found myself struggling to carry on a little more. Once in a while, I would find myself wanting to read a little bit more, but they were self fulfillment moments for me. I wanted to hear the gossip about a particular event. I wanted to know why this person did this or that. I wanted to see one of the protagonists have his butt handed to him. But those moments were sparse. Overall, it just didn’t do it for me.

I don’t want to say that The Scorpio Races is a bad book though. There have been many other readers that have loved it. I can understand why. The writing is very artistically done. The author weaves her words like a fine quilt, examining every stitch with every bit of perfectly chosen letterage. By every means, the author is a damn good writer.

There was a lack of emotions in the wording that I felt. It just didn’t connect. It works for this title as the whole island is very drab. But an author has the capabilities to express that little bit of emphases here or there, much like a musician will choose to soften a low part of a song or make the guitar strings screech much louder. Academically, the author is excellent. Emotionally written, this book is drab.

I have a feeling that The Scorpio Races will become one of those classics that are used throughout the educational system as a work of art and material to dissect for students much like Lord of the Flies. But I found the plot line very boring. It feels much like a lifetime movie. A small sequence of important but subtle events takes place here or there. There is a lot of filler, like feeding the horses, or the house wife going grocery shopping in her 1980s Volvo wagon a la Lifetime. There is some fun at the end, but the reader must fight their way to that point. The plot line has a very interesting concept, but the book could have been much shorter or included additional powerful events that would have spiced things up a bit.

I think my boredom may have been caused because I am a guy (sorry, forgot to mention that I read this book and not my wife. She may have a different opinion then I do after she reads the book) and I read for personal enjoyment, not personal gain. The Scorpio Race is a book filled with moral high ground examples and life lessons. But just like my movies, I want some fast paced action, gripping stories that don’t let you breath, and maybe a little sexual frustration thrown in just to make things interesting. This book is much drabber and low key.

Final Thoughts: The Scorpio Races will become a classic revered by readers to come for many generations. I am willing to bet on it. This book is very well written. There will be a good majority of readers that will really enjoy this book. It was a little boring to me though.
Good Points
well written
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Yet another amazing novel by Maggie Stiefvater.
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I got this book a few weeks ago from a very awesome friend who sent it to me =) I have no idea why it took me so long to finish it, but even when I finished, I had to take a few days to mull it over since I had no idea how I felt about this book o_o

There's no doubt that The Scorpio Races is extremely different from the Mercy Falls trilogy. That took me awhile to get used to - I love the Mercy Falls books, and I wasn't expecting something this different. But once I got into it, I have to admit that I think it's awesome Maggie Stiefvater can write two stories so vastly different and yet have them both be ridiculously awesome.

The Scorpio Races is told from the dueling point of views - both Puck and Sean. I liked how easy it was to distinguish the two of them - if I picked up the book after not having read it for awhile and I was in the middle of the chapter, there was no confusion as to who was narrating. And, y'know, that was awesome, considering Puck is a girl and Sean is a guy. I have a feeling things might have been awkward if they sounded similar >_>

Something completely random - I totally loved the relationships Sean and Puck had with their horses, especially Sean. There was something so real about it. Even though this is a fantasy novel, there were still so many ways to connect to it.

I can't think of anything to say about the plot without giving away spoilers. I honestly can't -_- But it was something so different, like nothing I've ever read. And I know how much most of us love originality :P

The writing style was amazing, as always. The emotions were always so clear, easy to understand, but Stiefvater's writing is anything by simple. She never forgets the details or the imagery like so many other authors. And in a book like this, I feel like the little details and pictures are really important.

And another thing: I am a romance fan. I can barely handle reading books without some aspect of romance in them. And in this book, the romance wasn't a huge part. It was there, but it wasn't like most books. AND I STILL LOVED IT.

Honestly, I think the only problem I had was that at times the pacing was a little too slow for me and I would have liked to see more action. But seriously. THAT'S ALL I HAVE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT.

Overall: Regardless of the fact that it took me forever to read, this book is something original and different. Stiefvater's writing never fails to disappoint. 5 stars.
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