Carpe Corpus (The Morganville Vampires #6)

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Carpe Corpus
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A lot has changed in Claire’s life since the end of Lord of Misrule. For one, she’s finally 17, and should be celebrating with her friends, but she’s not. She also moved back in with her parents. She’s now Bishop’s errand girl, and is magically bound to do as he says, thanks to Myrnin’s betrayal. I was so mad at him for that, but I also had this feeling that he had an ulterior motive and maybe even a plan. Maybe that’s just denial caused by my love for him, or maybe not?

Tensions are super high in Morganville in Carpe Corpus, which was a vast improvement over the ho-hum nature of the previous book. Bishop has everyone, vampire and human, under his thumb but they’re not all willing to lay down and take it. Even little Claire starts talking back and standing up for herself this time around. I was very impressed with her. She is woman, hear her roar! Of course, she still manages to get herself into major trouble by not listening to those who know better than her.

There’s a ton of plot progression in Carpe Corpus. Not only is there the climax to Bishops plot to overtake the town, but we get a lot more insight into that vampire disease: it’s possible origin and cure! Myrnin also introduces us to a bizarre new character who plays a major role in the inner workings of Morganville. Seriously, she’s a trip! Shane’s dad is back, kind of. Claire and Shane’s relationship! I’m so happy for them! Eve’s psycho brother, and some new guy in town. Is he who he says he is? Plus plenty more! This was another action packed and fast paced addition to the series. While I’m excited to know what comes next, I’m in no rush. No cliffhanger this time!
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Just keeps getting better
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The characters grow in each book, and this one is no different. Clair's parents seem to have grown more nagging. While I do love the series, I sort of wish they would have stayed at home and just called to check in every few books. lol Shane is still amazing, even when he has his mood swings, and Mayrnin is still just as crazy as ever!
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Love It
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Reader reviewed by Katiesaliba


I love this series; in my opinion it is alot better than the Twilight Saga.
Carpe Corpus is my favourite book in all the MV series. It summarizes all ends of the main plot line perfectly, yet it still does keep you wondering.. whats in that box shane gave claire?
Although, i am sure you were meant to assume the contents of that box (it has to be a ring!) because Crape Corpus was planned to be the last book in the MV series.

But i'm so glad it's not.

Give this series a chance, and trust me, you'll thank me for it.

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Chickens Come to Roost
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Reader reviewed by Lexie

You know that sinking awful feeling you got at the end of Star Wars:
The Empire Strikes Back, when it looked like Evil had triumphed and had
beat back Good by making Luke go crazy and disappear? That's how I felt
at the end of Lord of Misrule.
There just seems to be something inherently WRONG with letting evil win
at the end of a story--no matter that there's more to the series or not.

surprise to anyone should be that Myrnin remains my favorite character.
There's something deliciously wonderful about his manic moods and
eccentricities. He isn't so very bad, I mean compared to what he could
be like. Mr. Bishop however proves to be an even eviler dude then I
thought. He's carelessly cruel most of the time and at worst he's
deliberately malicious, turning everyone's worst nightmares into
reality without even flinching.

Claire's parents still continue
to annoy the living daylights out me. Claire is really becoming a
little pistol--desperate, cornered and with her future looking bleaker
every breath she takes, she seems to have found her inner B**ch and
channeled it. Ysandere gets a good lot of that. Myrnin gets a handful
of times. Monica gets it a couple times. Oh Monica. She really is a
snake who can keep on living. No one should ever worry about Monica.

don't really want to spoil how things finally settle down (book 7, from
what I can understand from the synopsis at the end of the book, seems
like its starting a new 'arc' of sorts.), but I guess if you are a Star
Wars fan, or fan of the Great Evil Empires in Fiction, you should be
able to guess.

((reprinted with permission from author))

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Reader reviewed by stephanie

Jumping right in to the story, Carpe Corpus immediately brings us expecting more and finding out what had happened in Morganville. Completely intense and very nerve-racking because you HAVE to find out what happened with Claire, the Bishop and the rest of the vampires.

I loved this book. I loved how anticipating it is and how the readers have to keep guessing on who's on whose side. Betrayal and revenge are at its best in this novel.

And Claire. Because of the tattoo that Bishop had marked her, she cannot refuse any of his direct order. And because of this, her human and vampire friends don't trust her and she can't trust them as well. She is forced to do Bishop's will and becomes his "messenger" and brings death to those who receive the news. And despite what happened to her, she's still very strong and brave because she still tries to find ways to go against Bishop.

The plot is so intense. Unexpected things keep happening and things that catch me by surprise. I won't say much otherwise I might ruin it for you. You just have to read this book and find out. Oh, and you have to read the previous ones otherwise you'll be so lost your head will spin. No joke.

The ending is, once again, a cliffhanger. Surprise surprise. However, I did feel like Rachel could have ended the series here.

Overall, Carpe Corpus is an excellent installment and I can't wait until the next book comes out, Fade Out.
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