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4.5 5
Chickens Come to Roost
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Reader reviewed by Lexie

You know that sinking awful feeling you got at the end of Star Wars:
The Empire Strikes Back, when it looked like Evil had triumphed and had
beat back Good by making Luke go crazy and disappear? That's how I felt
at the end of Lord of Misrule.
There just seems to be something inherently WRONG with letting evil win
at the end of a story--no matter that there's more to the series or not.

surprise to anyone should be that Myrnin remains my favorite character.
There's something deliciously wonderful about his manic moods and
eccentricities. He isn't so very bad, I mean compared to what he could
be like. Mr. Bishop however proves to be an even eviler dude then I
thought. He's carelessly cruel most of the time and at worst he's
deliberately malicious, turning everyone's worst nightmares into
reality without even flinching.

Claire's parents still continue
to annoy the living daylights out me. Claire is really becoming a
little pistol--desperate, cornered and with her future looking bleaker
every breath she takes, she seems to have found her inner B**ch and
channeled it. Ysandere gets a good lot of that. Myrnin gets a handful
of times. Monica gets it a couple times. Oh Monica. She really is a
snake who can keep on living. No one should ever worry about Monica.

don't really want to spoil how things finally settle down (book 7, from
what I can understand from the synopsis at the end of the book, seems
like its starting a new 'arc' of sorts.), but I guess if you are a Star
Wars fan, or fan of the Great Evil Empires in Fiction, you should be
able to guess.

((reprinted with permission from author))

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