The Clique (The Clique #1)

4.3 (82)
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most realistic
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This is the most realistic book about girls in middle school I have ever read.
it gets how girls go after each other,popularity,boys,puberty,and the lower,middle,and high class people.
Lisi Harrison gets how girls go after each other, and of course, the clothing brands and how it interprets with a girls popularity!
Good Points
Very realistic!
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I read this way back when, in middle school probably, at the pressure of my friends. I finally gave in and borrowed the book from one of them. I don't know if it was the mean, horrible girls or that I wanted to be in Dylan's position, but I read through this story every second I could get at lightning speed. I like this book, and the other books in this series are just as great. I think I stopped reading after book 5, but I'm sure they are just as good!
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A Great Book
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Reader reviewed by Elizabeth

This book is a great story about a "clique" or a group of friends. Massie, the leader of the clique's, dad invites friends of his come to stay in their guest house until they can purchase a house of their own. They come along with their daughter Claire. She tries to become friends with Massie, but Massie judges her right away and decides that they can never be friends. However, Claire still hangs out with Massie and her friends Kristen, Alicia, and Dylan who all act as if they hate Claire just to please Massie. Claire realizes this and decides to simply move on. But its not easy to ignore Massie Block...

This is a great story and I give it 4 out of 5 stars. It is a book for girls in 5th-8th grade who love books that contain drama, back stabbing, or anything else that happens in the world of teenage girls. It was a story that I highly enjoyed because it seemed so real and I was able to imagine every event as if it was happening right before my eyes.
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A Great Book
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Reader reviewed by Elizabeth

This book is a great story about a "clique" or a group of friends. Massie, the leader of the clique's, dad invites friends of his come to stay in their guest house until they can purchase a house of their own. They come along with their daughter Claire. She tries to become friends with Massie, but Massie judges her right away and decides that they can never be friends. However, Claire still hangs out with Massie and her friends Kristen, Alicia, and Dylan who all act as if they hate Claire just to please Massie. Claire realizes this and decides to simply move on. But its not easy to ignore Massie Block...

This is a great story and I give it 4 out of 5 stars. It is a book for girls in 5th-8th grade who love books that contain drama, back stabbing, or anything else that happens in the world of teenage girls. It was a story that I highly enjoyed because it seemed so real and I was able to imagine every event as if it was happening right before my eyes. Taht is why I loved the clique.
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A Great Book
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Reader reviewed by Elizabeth

This book is a great story about a "clique" or a group of friends. Massie, the leader of the clique's, dad invites friends of his come to stay in their guest house until they can purchase a house of their own. They come along with their daughter Claire. She tries to become friends with Massie, but Massie judges her right away and decides that they can never be friends. However, Claire still hangs out with Massie and her friends Kristen, Alicia, and Dylan who all act as if they hate Claire just to please Massie. Claire realizes this and decides to simply move on. But its not easy to ignore Massie Block...

This is a great story and I give it 4 out of 5 stars. It is a book for girls in 5th-8th grade who love books that contain drama, back stabbing, or anything else that happens in the world of teenage girls. It was a story that I highly enjoyed because it seemed so real and I was able to imagine every event as if it was happening right before my eyes. That is why I loved the clique.
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Not bad, but nothing memorable
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Reader reviewed by Denise

Popular and rich Massie is devastated when she learns that not only is
her father's significantly less wealthy friend planning on staying in
their guest house, but he also has a daughter Massie's age whom Massie
is expected to befriend. When Claire appears wearing Keds and
non-designer clothes, Massie is determined to shun Claire at every
opportunity. Enlisting the help of her clique, Massie proceeds to
mercilessly mock and torture Claire. Claire might be a nice girl, but
she isn't about to go down without a fight. Mean girl cattiness ensues.

Targeted toward the middle school age bracket (though fine for high
schoolers as well), The Clique is closer to the movie Mean Girls than
the other "Lifestyles of the Rich and Cruel" type book series. Unlike
books like Gossip Girl, The Clique characters don't engage in any risqué
behaviors with sex, drugs, or alcohol. Instead, the focus of the book
revolves almost exclusively around the interpersonal dramas of female
friendships. Loyalty, taunting, embarrassment, secrets, backstabbing,
friendship, and insecurity are all featured. The inner thoughts and
feelings of the characters are not really explored, so there isn't any
moral or psychological message about the motivations of the characters.

The book is straightforward and serviceable, but neither the plot
nor the characters stand out in any way. The characters are all
two-dimensional and resemble caricatures more than fully-formed
characters. Still, they are familiar caricatures who most girls probably
have some experience knowing or being, so it is easy to relate to the
actions and feelings the characters experience. Though The Clique is now
a lengthy series, the first book can easily be read as a stand-alone.
Not bad, but not memorable.

Reprinted with author's (my) permission.
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Reader reviewed by f00lishchick

i think this book was really nice because it gave me the experience of what a REAL girly clique is like. i thnk it was funny because of how girly the book was and i am totally not a girly girl. i think that even though some schools are filled with those snobby, rich cliques but it's kinda funny because of how they are. if i had a clique like that at school, i would think they were interesting because i dont know any real cliques like that.
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Can I just slap every single character in the face? Including the editor?
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Reader reviewed by Jordana

OK first I would like to address some grammatical errors, such as forgetting periods at the end of a sentence and using the wrong verb tenses in one or two cases.

Second,  I just want to slap Massie's little face off.  She is such a snobby, stuck-up b*tch!  And all the other girls (who would have been alright) just follow Massie around like little DOGS just doing whatever she says.....if Massie says it's cool, it's cool, and if Massie says it's not cool, it's soooooooo out.  Like Claire, who's out faster than you can say "Not a G.L.U."

Claire was the best character, but I think she should have gotten back at Massie via public humiliation.  Not JUST the sly, sneaky stuff, but maybe pour red paint on HER white jeans.
And being nice to Massie in the end?  Bull c r a p.
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Not Too Bad
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Reader reviewed by Ashley

The Clique is about a group of (stuck-up) girls who go to Octavian Country Day School, a private girls' school. But then Claire comes along, and she's staying in Massie's (the group leader) family's guesthouse. Claire is nothing like the Clique girls, but desperately wants to be accepted by them.

I though that Massie and her friends were really cruel at times, and that Claire let herself be pushed around by them too much. All in all, it was a cute book and fun to read.

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Reader reviewed by Natalie

The Cliqueis the fist book of the clique series by lisi harrison the book centers around the twomain characters: Massie and Claire. Claire just moved from florida to Massies guest house.Massie instantly dislikes Claire. Claire despratly trying to fit in in one of OCD's popular cliques.
this book was awesome the only thing was that the book kinda starts off slow and borging.the girls in the book you eithier love them or hate them this book is great.
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