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3.7 15
Young Adult Fiction 460
What DID Happen to Chris Creed?
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Where is the Body? The book is entitled The Body of Christopher Creed. So, I ask again where is the body? We all know someone like high schooler Chris Creed. A pain in the you know what. A hanger on. A guy who has a particular way of speaking, like using the phrase I would venture to say& A guy no one likes or talks to, who everybody beats up, but who just keeps coming back. Well, one day he didnt come back. And in not doing so, he forever changed the lives of Torey Adams, Ali McDermott, and Bo Richardson.
The question is how could this nobody change such different lives? Torey was on the high school football team. He was friends with the smartest, coolest kids in school and he dated Leandra, the prettiest girl in school. Ali was the girl with the reputation, the girl who, as the saying goes, was passing through high school on her back if you know what I mean. She and Torey had been childhood friends but had drifted apart. Bo, short for boon or boondocks was a tough guy who bragged that he had slashed 1,000 car tires last year and would fight anyone.
Chris changed Toreys life simply by sending an e-mail to the high school principal before he disappeared. In it, he said he wished he was born someone else, Torey Adams, for instance. Ali, on the other hand, lived across the street from Chris and watched him at night through their bedroom windows. She saw how Chris military mom treated him, gave him no privacy, wanted him to conform to her life. Maybe she drove him to suicide because he couldnt live up to those expectations. Bo knew what a hard life was, living on the wrong side of the tracks. And he was Alis friend, a good friend.
So this unlikely trio tries to find out what happened to Chris. In The Body of Christopher Creed, author Carol Plum-Ucci provides an intriguing and riveting mystery and a thought provoking look at high school students. Oh yes. I forgot to tell you. She also provides a body. Whose, you ask? Im not telling! This is one of my favorite books.
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