Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo And Juliet Book Review
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Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy story of Romeo and Juliet. There were in differnt houses and they were enemies. Romeo went to the party of Juliet's family and he was really not allowed. There was how he met Juliet face to face for the time. They know each other and they are going out with each other. Juliet's nurse is helping in the message between Romeo and Juliet but it was because Juliet asked her to. There was alot of things that are happening. The party where Romeo joined, the challenge that they sent Romeo and many others.
The story is writen in old english so there might be words that are simular that they dont understand they also have pictures and translation for the readers so they can know what they are reading. I really like the book and how it picks up in the middle. There were acutally alot of thing that are happening. The books is for all age groups and for anyone that had enjoy Shakespeare's work would enjoy this.
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Romeo and Juliet Review
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I had to read this book for school. At first I was kinda happy because I have been wanting to read this for awhile but I couldn't understand what Shakespeare was trying to say. I needed to pretty much learn the basic words Shakespeare used throughout the play meant. Which, I had no clue what they meant. After a failed attempt to try to understand what it meant the first time, I pretty much gave up. Until, my English teacher brought up that we would be reading this play. *groan* He showed us different ways to understand what Shakespeare was trying to say and he showed us this website that showed us a modern English version of Romeo and Juliet. This website is AMAZING. Without it I'm pretty sure I would of failed. Here it is below if you would like to use it:

Okay now to the actual review part. Honestly, this play didn't really reach up to my expectations. I really do not like instant love in modern time books sooo I REALLY did not like it in here. They literally fell in love the moment they saw each other. Literally love at first sight. They knew nothing about one another except that Juliet was a Capulet and Romeo was a Montague. Lets also keep in mind that Romeo was 16 and Juliet was 13. The age difference didn't really bother me but what did bother me was the fact that they were so quick to fall in love and tie the knot. I'm 15 and the last thing I can imagine do right now at my age is getting married and all I ever want to do is lay in bed, sleep, eat, and read much less getting married. Honestly, in my eyes I didn't even see it as true love. Their love was completely based on one another's looks. =P
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Beautiful Classic.
(Updated: November 08, 2013)
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Okay, I did like this play. It's the first Shakespeare thing I every read, and I was transfixed by the writing. It's beautiful and true, and it's heartbreaking. And ultimately, it's me. This is what most YA novels nowadays are based off of. The "insta-love" that Romeo and Juliet have is intense. And because it is forbidden, they want it even more.
I recently just watched the movie "Anonymous" based on Shakespeare, and if it was really him who wrote his own plays. The movie makes sense, and gives light to why Romeo and Juliet's story is so amazing and so messed up.

This goes to show you that people think with their hearts and not their heads.
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MAster Piece
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Reader reviewed by Ash

  William Shakespeare was an amazing writer. Romeo and Juliet made my mind run in circles. Made my heart jump up and down, scream, laugh, and cry. It makes you appreciate freedom and love. I've never felt like I needed courage to speak my mind. But, when you fall for some one you need it and this story gives it to you. So, read this book. It will make you laugh, make you cry, make you open, but mainly make you ready for the battle infront of you. Ready to race the race. Now run. This book is a written masterpiece. It's helpful and loving...
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Best play by Shakespear
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Reader reviewed by Banana Split

Romeo and Juliet-the classic tragedy of two young teenagers who happen to fall deeply in love. Theres one problem: their families have been rivals for years therefore their love is forbidden. This play is so good. It is written beautifully and is really fun to read. Although it is sad, i think this play is simply wonderful. The move (with Leonardo Dicaprio) potrays the play very well. So after you finish reading this, i highly recommend watching the movie. This my favorite Shakespearean play and i love it!
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Reader reviewed by Alex11181992

hearing about this story at a young age i aways wanted to know what it was about.
reading it and the wording used in this story caught my eye.
An amazing story of two young teens falling deeply in love between a family fight.
What will the couple choose to turn the back on their families and runaway together or just forget about eachother and move on.
Will anyone be such deep love that they will die for them
Ask urself this question when u tell someone you love them
And find out what true love is in this story of love and pain
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Classic doesn't always mean boring.
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Reader reviewed by liliaaa

The classic book Romeo and Juliet is known for its tough language, confusing storyline, many characters, and tragic ending. One thing most people who have not read the book do not realize is that this novel involves much bawdy humor and sexual inneuendos. Once you begin reading you start to wonder how this novel is a classic and then realize that it is what it is because it was a play. Not everything in the book is saddening. It gives you quite a few laughs and enjoyable moments up until the high point of the book. Then it begins to darken and lose some of its humorous moments. Overall Romeo and Juliet is a better classic than most. I reccommend everyone read it.
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as said, a classic
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Reader reviewed by abscae

As said, Shakespeare's a genius. The way he can craft words to represent sonnet, and the rhythm of the poetry is phenomenal. And he told one of the most overused, cliched, perfect story lines ever. When it boils down to it though: it's the 'art' 'thou' and whatever else Shakespearean language that makes it perfect.

All I can say is that there is alot more to the book than one would assume when thinking about it. Yes we've all read the plot, yes we know the story, but you know what? You already know the story even if you've never heard of anything about Romeo and Juliet if you read the first page.

YES! the storyline's right there. So what's the point of the entire novel you ask? The poetry, the prose, and the beauty. And that's why you should read it, not because of the story line.
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Romeo and Juliet
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Reader reviewed by K.T.

It's not what it's cracked up to be.I have to say that this story was simply melodramatic.I mean two teenagers fall so passionately in love that they'd die for eachother? Give me a break!When teenagers talk about suicide due to dating the first words that come to mind shouldn't be, "How romantic." It should be ,"Wow,could anybody get this kid a shrink?"
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is there any other love
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Reader reviewed by wendy

romeo and juliet is abouyt two teenagers who fall madly inlove wiht each other just after one meeting. they are sooo in line that they are willing to die for each other. romeo kills juliets cousin, at this period in time, the penalty for murder is death. so romeo is forced to run away. while away, juliet has been arranged to marry someone else. word is sent for romeo but he doesnt get it in time before.....

this is a really great book i would recomend to kids 12+. i wuould also recommend that you get a more modern version because the version i had was difficult to understand since it was written in old english but i enjoyed the book none-the-less.
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