Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear

Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
February 14, 2023
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A picture book about three best friends who do everything together, until they each realize that sometimes having time alone can be nice too.

Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear are best friends. They do everythingtogether and go everywhere together except for one place. They never go down the long and winding path together.  
But this winter, when Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear go skating on the frozen pond, Rabbit loses control and barrels straight down the path. What she finds there is one of the most beautiful places she has ever seen, but to her surprise, Big Bear and Duck both admit they sometimes go there when they want to be alone. And while she sits in the quiet calm, Rabbit begins to understand why. In this story rich with social emotional learning, young readers will see the importance of balancing time with friends and time spent on their own. 
Nadine Brun-Cosme and Olivier Tallec perfectly pair to create a fun story with lovable characters and an important message. This book is the ideal read-aloud to help little ones wind down before quiet time.

Editor review

1 review
sweet picture book about friendship and alone time
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RABBIT, DUCK, AND BIG BEAR is a sweet picture book about friendship and the need for some alone time. Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear are the best of friends, and they do everything together. The only thing they do not do is go down the long winding path, which seems too narrow to walk together and maybe a bit spooky. When they are ice skating together, Rabbit has a tough time stopping and skids right down the long winding path until he arrives at a great fir tree, which is pretty amazing. When Bear and Duck catch up, they reveal that they had individually been coming there for some time alone every now again. While the friends still like spending time with each other, now they also enjoy some time alone.

What I loved: This is a sweet picture book about friendship and the need for some alone time. The three friends love spending time together and doing everything together - or so it seems. There's a sweet and simple message about how friends can still be the greatest of friends, even when they do some things alone. The pictures are full of color and forest details that will appeal to young readers. The length of text on each page will work well for older picture book readers, as the pages turn a bit slowly in places. Elementary school aged readers will understand the complexity of friendships and how this translates into spending so much time together. The ultimate message is simple but will resonate with some readers.

Final verdict: RABBIT, DUCK, AND BIG BEAR is a sweet picture book that will appeal to older picture book readers who can appreciate the messages about friendship and the appreciation of alone time every now again.
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