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Oh so bubbly!
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Reader reviewed by Lenore

"Pretties", the second book in Scott Westerfelds great Uglies series, continues where the first left off. If you haven't read book one and don't want to be spoiled, STOP READING NOW. Ok, so now Tally has had her surgery and her "smoky" friends are trying to contact her and save her from her "pretty" ways. She now runs with a group of "pretties" who seem to be smarter than the rest, called "crims" because of their "criminal" backgrounds as "uglies". The leader of this group is Zane and he and Tally start up a romance while still pulling "ugly" tricks.

This book suffered a bit from "middle" book syndrome but was still very compelling save for some blatant anorexia and cutting (sure, it worked as part of the story, but I personally didnt like it). Tally and Shay continue their "love/hate" friendship/rivalry which is a well-drawn and convincing adolescent relationship. Some characters from the first book, such as David are given not as much screen time as I might have hoped and some new characters, such as a savage young man who is part of a anthropological study of violence, are given a bit too much. You do learn more about the world the author has created and are well set up for the third book, "Specials".

Reprinted here with author's permission
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Amazing thats all I need to say
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Reader reviewed by the book muncher

Tally is back but as a pretty this time. Shes made the ultimate sacrifice, undergoing the operation even though she knew something went wrong with peoples heads when it happened. And now she doesnt remember the warnings she received. She barely remembers being an ugly. Instead, she focuses on being part of a new clique and getting the attention of Zane.

Of course, until an Ugly comes to her in New Pretty Town with two pills, and she suddenly remembers. But she has doubts too. So, she and Zane each take one pill. And things seem to work, even though Zane keeps getting excruciating headaches. Tally realizes something is wrong, but she cant exactly tell the doctors inside the city about that. She needs to go to New Smoke.

Pretties is the incredible second book in the Uglies series. The story was fast paced and I never lost interest. I loved the first book in this futuristic series, and this novel was better, if that is possible. I highly recommend this book to everyone.
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I'd Still Rather be Ugly
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Reader reviewed by The Story Siren

In Pretties, the second installment of Scott Westerfelds series, the infamous ugly Tally Youngblood is now a pretty.

Everything is perfect in Tallys pretty world. She is with her friends again, and she has nothing but fun. But then Tallys perfect world takes a turn when she is contacted by one of the uglies, and then finds the letter that she had written to herself.

Tally and her new beau Zane find the cure, but Tally is to afraid to go it alone. So, Tally takes one pill and Zane takes the other. But the pill seems to have different effects on Zane and they must escape to find the new Smoke where Zane can get help.

In their escape they are separated and Tally makes yet another discovery in the Pretties not so perfect existence. When Tally finally reaches the Ruins it is David that she meets, and learns what has happened to Zane.

Once again the Specials are on Tallys tail, but now she has a choice to make. Will it be David or Zane.

Pretties is even better than Uglies. Tallys character is even more complex as well as the storyline. You never know what is going to happen next and that makes it that more interesting. I have to say I couldnt put it down and the cliffhanger ending has me eager to read Specials.
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You aren't missing a thing
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Reader reviewed by Rachel

Read this one only because I wanted to find out what had happened at the end of the first novel. Although a quick read this story line quickly becomes a bore. Not a book I would reccomend. Although the whloe "everyone's perfect" plot seems catchy the only reason to keep going in the trilogy is because each book always leaves you hanging and wanting to know what is going to happen.
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Not so Pretty
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Reader reviewed by Mindy

You don't need to be an Uglies series reader to pick -up book #2 and follow the engaging storyline. Follow Tally as she finds herself in a world of surgically produced beautiful people whose very purpose in life is to have FUN. No work, no school, no worries, other than what outfit will match your eyes. Oh, yeah did I forget to mention...if you find your eyes a little drab go for the one day surgery which will add actual diamonds and sapphires to your irises! There has to be more to live than this....or so Tally hopes to find.
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Pretties is the best of the trilogy!
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Reader reviewed by Jaydin

Pretties definately caught my attention, even from the first page. It was action packed and had a good plot and good descriptions.

I thought that it was the best of the trilogy and it was a very good attention grabber. I was wondering what was going to happen every time i turned a page.
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Is Beauty only Skin Deep?
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Reader reviewed by Springhair

This is the continuing story of Tally Youngblood. Now a pretty, Tally must find a way out of being a prettyhead. Then she discovers the note from herself and the pills. She and her friend take one, but get discovered and have bracelets put on them so officials can track them. Now they must find a way to the new smoke and to get the bracelets off. When they finally do this, Tally gets a nasty surprise that might change her life and the lives of those around her. As the same with Uglies, this book was kinda thick, but it read fast. I wound I enjoyed this one even more than the first in the series. I would certainly recommend it to everyone, though I would suggest reading the first and third books in the series, also.
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An excellent Sequel
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Reader reviewed by Amanda

his series has its hook in me, that's for sure! This is the second installment in Scott Westerfeld's insanely popular series that began with Uglies. This one started off a little slower for me, but by the end the action and suspense were just as good as in the first novel.

Pretties continues to follow Tally Youngblood, a rebellious Ugly that was turned Pretty in the last novel. She is enjoying her new life as a Pretty, taking in all the party action and making friends with the very exclusive club, the Crims, when an old friend from her past life as an Ugly shows up. Tally is reminded of her trip to The Smoke and what she was actually doing in Pretty Town. Tally and Zane, a Crim, take the pills left by Croy and hope that they will be cured as the members of the Old Smoke had promised. When Zane has a bad reaction to the pill, Tally must find a way to get him to the New Smoke and the doctor that created the Cure.

In this novel, Tally wrestles with a lot of emotions including guilt, anger, and sadness. She feels horribly for betraying Shay, David, and the rest of The Smoke and wishes only to redeem herself. The only part of this book that I didn't care for was all the "pretty talk." It can get confusing and somewhat annoying when every other word is "bubbly." That alone is not a reason to avoid these books, as the plots are fantastic and very much original. I can't wait to read the last in the trilogy, Specials.
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Better than the first.
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Reader reviewed by Victoria

Pretties is even better than it's predecessor, Uglies. This book will have you making predictions and rooting for Tally to make important decisions. I know she didn't do everything I wanted her to, but that was all the more reason to keep reading. I wanted to see how it would end up. It's a great read.
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Good second installment in trilogy
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Reader reviewed by Sara

"Tally has finally become pretty. Now her looks are beyond perfect, her clothes are awesome, her boyfriend is totally hot, and she's completely popular. It's everything she's ever wanted.
But beneath all the fun - the nonstop parties, the high-tech luxury, the total freedom - is a nagging sense that something's wrong. Something important. Then a message from Tally's ugly past arrives. Reading it, Tally remembers what's wrong with pretty life, and the fun stops cold.
Now she has to choose between fighting to forget what she knows and fighting for her life - because the authorities don't intend to let anyone with this information survive."

This book was good, but I kind of liked how Uglies was set outside of the city. The tricks that the Crims pulled kept the book interesting though and kept me rooting for the Pretties who knew the truth about being Pretty - and wanted out.
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