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Loved It!!!!
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Reader reviewed by Cowgirl

Tally is now pretty.  A beautiful girl with perfect hair, perfect teeth, and a perfect body.  However, there is actually something wrong with her.  Not just her, every person that has turned pretty due to the operation given to everyone after they turn 16.  They all have brain lesions.  After Tally meets someone and gets a letter in the mail and 2 pills to make the lesions go away, Tally takes them and soon starts feeling normal.  What will happen in the rest of "Pretties?"  One things for sure, it will be exciting!

I loved this book!  It gets the reader so involved, and I love the way its written.  It gives you a different view of the world and helps you see what we are like in a different way.  The characters are easy to get attached to you, and it is so adventerous that you feel like you are right there with them!  I definitly suggest this book!
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This Book is Pretty Indeed
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Reader reviewed by Taylor

Just like Uglies, Pretties starts out with a bang creating an addiction from the start. But this time its because you can't believe what is happening. Tally is a pretty, and she is happy about it! This made me so angry, yet addicted, and I had to keep reading.
My girly side also falls in love with Zane because he is a bubblehead (which makes him gorgeous) but yet he has an original and serious side to him. How could a girl ask for anything more in a man?

This book is thuroughly addicting, and constantly changing. Just when you think you know whats going to happen, something changes. I love the relationships they create in this book, although i thought one character, Fausto, wasn't explained very much. I love that Westerfeld turned around the entire image of bubbleheads, and gave them the potential to change things from how they have been for the past 300 years (with the help of Tally of course.)

Just like the last book, this one has a cliffhanger ending, forcing you (not that you will need any extra push) to read the next one.

Another great book, 4/5
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Pretties by Scott Westerfeld
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Reader reviewed by cosmicdustbella

Tally has finally become pretty. Now her looks are beyond perfect, her clothes awesome, her boyfriend is totally hot, and she is completely popular. It is everything she has ever wanted.

But beneath all the fun, the nonstop parties, the high-tech luxury, the total freedom, is the nagging sense that something is wrong. Something important. Then a message from Tally's ugly past arrives. Reading it, Tally remembers what is wrong with pretty life, and the fun stops cold.

Now she has to choose between fighting to forget what she knows and fighting for her life-because the athorities do not intend to let anyone with this information survive.

The sequal to Scott Westerfeld's Uglies has finally come. The book is as good as good as the first. In this continuation of the series, Tally has agreed to test out an experimental drug that is said to cure the changes made to your brain durring the pretty operation. Tally is faced with the fear of the unknown, will she dare to take the risk of the new drug to save herself and her boyfriend?

The novel will be greatly enjoyed by science fiction fans, with its gadgetry and futuristic setting. Scott Westerfeld has once again asked provocative questions about the meaning of beauty, individuality, and bravery. You will be able to sink your teeth into this novel and read it for hours on end.
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Reader reviewed by KitKat

I have to admit, Pretties is my least favorite book of the series. And yet it's still one of the best books I've ever read. That must tell you how much I love the series!

The plot moved quickly and was quite absorbing, the characters were amazing - they really came to life for me - and I just love Scott Westerfeld's writing!
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Action Packed
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Reader reviewed by Cowgirl

I love this series! "Pretties" is the second in the wonderful series.

Read on as Tally finally gets her surgery to turn pretty, because she gave herself up so that she could help her good friend Shay. Now that Tally is pretty, will she remember what it was like to be ugly, or have the brain lesions taken over her brain to much?

I don't want to give to much away but this was a terrific book and I definitely suggest reading it! However, make sure to read the first in te series, "Uglies" before you start this one!
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Pretty or not?
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Reader reviewed by Sam

Ok, I have to admit when i read the first one for the reading bowl i wasn't going ot read the rest of them. But after i got through with Uglies i changed my mind.

I was surprised and keep guessing through the whole thing! Just liek a good book should do.

Tally reunites with Shay, but is it the same? Finding the dark secerts of Prettyness shocked me. But i got more shocked in Specials. matter what they put in her head, she still remembers the jealosy and anger she felt for Tally. Will they ever be friends again? Nope, maybe somtimes, but not really.

Zane, i loved him. It made me sad that he got so messed up at the end.

All in all, great book!
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Awesome Book!!!!!
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Reader reviewed by Lilia

Pretties is an awesome read filled with action and adventure. It is a really fast-paced,fun, and interesting book that you will not be able to put down. I absolutely loved it. It wasn't as good as the first but it was still really great. It has a really unique version of what might possibly happen in the future..... I would recommend pretties to any teen interested in a scifi-fantasy book.
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Disappointing rerun
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Reader reviewed by Dede

Tally is Pretty, along with Shay and at the beginning of this book she is getting ready to be hopefully voted into a Pretty group called Crims. Zane is the leader and he and Tally have quite a bit in common. At the Crims party, someone from the smoke shows and tells Tally he will leave something for her. It's the cure, two pills, to allow her her ugly life back. With Zane, and with Specials chasing her, she decides to take the pills with Zane, splitting them. Stupid idea and an utterly stupid plot point in the book. If someone left two pills for a cure, I would assume you had to take them both. Tally is boring in this book, her character is not as engaging. Her and her Crim friends, most of them anyway, want to go back to un-Pretty life. We meet some old faves, Dr. Cable, Shay, David and Maddie, etc, and some new "groups" of people but the book falls flat and leaves Tally looking utterly ridiculous and unbelievable. It felt like pretty much of a rerun of Uglies, and I pretty much knew what was going to happen the minute Dr. Cable was back. Disppointing, hopefully Specials regains the fun and excitement of Uglies.
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"What happens when perfection isn't good enough?"
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Reader reviewed by Kayla (Midnight Twilight)

Tally has finally become pretty. Now her looks are beyond perfect, her clothes are awesome, her boyfriend is totally hot, and she's completely popular. It's everything she's ever wanted.

But beneath all the fun--the nonstop parties, the high-tech luxury, the total freedom--is a nagging sense that something's wrong. Something important. Then a message from Tally's ugly past arrives. Reading it, Tally remembers what's wrong with pretty life, and the fun stops cold.

Now she has to choose between fighting to forget what she knows and fighting for her life--because the authorities don't intend to let anyone with this information survive.

This book was not as great as i was expecting. I think i'll go crazy if i hear bubbly or bogus one more time. Other than that i do think this was a good middle to the series. The events seemed crazy and weird at first, but in the end they needed to happen. Overall an ok book in a great series.
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Pretties by Scott Westerfeld
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Reader reviewed by Megan

Tally's story continues from the previous book, UGLIES, in this second installment of Scott Westerfeld's futuristic trilogy. Tally is now a pretty who lives only for good times. While attending a party at which she is to be voted into the Crims clique, she is followed by someone appearing to be a member of the ominous Special Circumstances team.

Tally can only remember her previous adventures as an ugly outside New Pretty Town in brief disconnected snatches. She is shocked to discover that the person stalking her is Croy, an old friend from the Smoke. He has something for her, he tells her, but she must search for it later in a certain secret spot. She agrees, bemused by his repellant ugliness, including his big pores and tangled hair --- all the imperfections that the surgery to become a pretty transforms to beauty.

Tally returns to her pretty life, concentrating on the fun she has with her friends. Her peace is disrupted when gorgeous Zane, leader of the Crims, asks her about David, whom she loved when she lived in the Smoke. In fact, Zane once knew Croy and had been determined to escape to the Smoke before his surgery. He regrets that he didn't go into the wilderness then.

Zane is eager to accompany Tally in finding the mysterious object Croy has hidden for her. They must face strenuous, dangerous physical challenges in order to locate the gift, which is accompanied by a startling and eye-opening letter from Tally to herself, written before she underwent the pretty surgery and explaining to her future self her motive in becoming a pretty --- to save all the pretties. Zane and Tally also learn that the pretties' brains are altered during their surgery. When the two share what Croy left for Tally, everything in their lives changes, putting Zane's health at risk and infuriating Tally's friend Shay.

As with UGLIES, you cannot read this book without questioning values and mindsets prevalent not only in New Pretty Town in the future but also here and now. How much will people surrender in order to be pretty? What is the price of popularity and conformity? Can people who relinquish everything get a second chance? As in UGLIES, the plot pace is rapid and exciting, the characters are real, and the situations are truly frightening.

How good is this book? I read it in a day, unable to concentrate on anything else until I finished it. After the tantalizing ending, I'm filled with delicious anticipation for the third book in the series, SPECIALS.
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