Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 1047
Engrossing First Book
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Powerless was a delightful first book in a trilogy. The premise of the magical world is unique and timely post-pandemic. In this world, there was a plague that killed many, and most of the people who survived developed super abilities and are now called elites. Those who did not develop powers are called ordinaries. The tyrannical king does not want ordinaries around and exiled them. Those who hid or were born post-exodus are to be executed. He has ruthlessly trained his younger son, Kai, to be the enforcer of his rules.
Paedyn Gray is an ordinary in hiding. She has lived on the streets of the slums since her father was murdered by the king’s orders. She is everything you could want in a female main character. She is skilled at thievery, fighting, deception, and beautiful. One chance encounter where she saves Prince Kai and she finds herself selected to be part of the purging trials.
She has many steamy scenes with Prince Kitt and Prince Kai so you can choose which one you wish she ends up with. I am Team Kai. However, the setup for book two will make a relationship complicated with either one of them.
Overall, some parts follow a predictable course but that does not detract from how engrossing it is to read. There was an excellent balance between character development and action. The interactions between Paedyn and the Princes feel organic. The attraction was on point without becoming graphic. This book has many parallels to Throne of Glass and Hunger Games which made it feel like reading a beloved series for the first time. I look forward to the next book in the series.
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