Pippin No Lickin'

Pippin No Lickin'
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
November 20, 2018
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Pippin the cat wouldn’t take a bath. Because he wouldn’t, all kinds of funny (and stinky!) things start happening to him. In hilarious and unforgettable ways, Pippin is challenged with realizing his actions not only affect himself, but others, too. Will his parents and classmates get him to change his mind? Pippin, No Lickin’ addresses the consequences of personal actions with young readers. This colorful and endearing story establishes with children that parental wisdom is for their own health and safety and helps them develop an understanding of selfishness. Pippin’s adventures even teach colors to very young readers along the way! Parents and children alike will enjoy this introduction to an immediately classic and memorable character in Pippin the cat.

Editor reviews

2 reviews
cute book about the importance of bathing
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PIPPIN NO LICKIN is a picture book which follows the cat, Pippin. Although most cats know how to clean themselves from a very young age, Pippin is too lazy to clean himself or take a bath. Even though the smell gets to his classmates, Pippin persists in not cleaning himself. After things begin to stick in his fur and the smell becomes very bad, his classmates ask him to bathe. Pippin realizes that he needs to clean himself and so takes a bath.

What I loved: This book is an interesting presentation of the importance of bathing and personal hygiene. For kids who resist taking a bath, this will be a good book to show them why bathing is important (at least on some days). The illustrations are cute with a lot of different animals making up Pippin’s classmates, plus a whole variety of funny things getting caught in Pippin’s fur.

What left me wanting more: While this is said to be about selfishness, I was not sure I got that message. However, the lessons about personal hygiene are great on their own! For young toddlers, this book may be a little wordy, but this would be great for preschoolers.

Final verdict: Pippin is a fun way to teach about why bathing matters in a cute and funny way. The illustrations are very cute and colorful, appealing to a preschool audience.
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Pippin No Lickin'
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As a family with 2 busy boys, 14 and 12, we appreciate Layne’s contribution to helping children understand the importance of cleanliness. His amusing rhymes, video presentation through music and dance, and wonderful illustrations make “Pippin No Lickin” a smart choice for any parent who wants to reinforce good habits. We can’t wait to see what Pippin learns in future volumes!
Good Points
Teaches good habits
Well written
Excellent illustrations
Supporting song and dance
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