The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson & the Olympians #1)

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i just feel like commenting....THIS ISTHE BEST BOOK EVER!!!!!!
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Reader reviewed by aria

percy has been kicked out of every school he's been too. he caused a flood. he shot the scoolbus with a cannon. he's perfectly used to getting expelled.

but this time his math teacher turns into a monster and tries to kill him.

imagine having a minotaur chase you down in the middle of the night.
imagine your mother being taken from you in front of your eyes.
imagine being told....

that you are the son of the sea god poisiedon.

percy is claimed by poisiedon, and immiadeatly blamed for a theft he did not do. so to stop the gods from creating world war 3, percy must set out on a quest across the US, with only a beautiful 12-year-old girl and an satyr in 6th grade to help him.

will he suceed? come on people read it and find out. hint: he will fail to save what matters most in the end.

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shaky beggining for the series
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Reader reviewed by taylor

this is a book many compare to harry potter but actually there is nothing similar. percy jackson is a son of the great god posideon god of the ocean. he discovers many things aboout him he never even knew exsisited.yes it is good and bad. while he does many dangerous things that rae deadly at leats he has his new friends to help him through it.

i liked this book an di loved this series. i think this book is wonderrfull but the books that follow it are better in my opinion. this is a very good series that is trult exciting
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Percy Jackson Makes Reading Fun
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Reader reviewed by Bobbi's Book Nook

Percy Jackson & The Olympians is a series of adventure books for children written by Rick Riordan, based on Greek mythology. Riordan is the multi-award-winning author of the Tres Navarre mystery series for adults and has become a #1 New York Times bestseller with Percy Jackson. His Percy Jackson series features a twelve-year-old dyslexic boy who discovers he is the modern-day son of a Greek god. The novels draw on Riordans experience teaching Greek mythology and his interaction with students who have learning differences.

The series begins with a young boy named Percy Jackson who discovers that he is the son of Poseidon, the god of the sea. In the process, he learns that the Olympians still exist, along with many other figures and monsters from Greek mythology like Titans, cyclopes, and other creatures. He later becomes the owner of the sword Anaklusmos (which means "Riptide"). This was a gift from his father.

Currently four books have been published thus far in the series, with one more still to come:
The Lightning Thief (2005)
The Sea of Monsters ( 2006)
The Titan's Curse (2007).
The Battle of the Labyrinth ( 2008).

The Lightning Thief
Twelve-year-old Percy Jackson is about to be kicked out of boarding school...again. No matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to stay out of trouble. But can he really be expected to stand by and watch while a bully picks on his scrawny best friend? Or not defend himself against his pre-algebra teacher when she turns into a monster and tries to kill him? Of course, no one believes Percy about the monster incident; he's not even sure he believes himself ... until the Minotaur chases him to summer camp. Suddenly, mythical creatures seem to be walking straight out of the pages of Percy's Greek mythology textbook and into his life. The gods of Mount Olympus, he's coming to realize, are very much alive in the 21st-century. And worse, he's angered a few of them: Zeus's master lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect.

Now Percy has just 10 days to find and return Zeus's stolen property, and bring peace to a warring Mount Olympus. On a daring road trip from their summer camp in New York to the gates of the Underworld in Los Angeles, Percy and his friends, one a satyr and the other the demigod daughter of Athena, will face a host of enemies determined to stop them. To succeed in his quest, Percy will have to do more than catch the true thief: he must come to terms with the father who abandoned him; solve the riddle of the Oracle, which warns him of failure and betrayal by a friend; and unravel a treachery more powerful than the gods themselves.

The Sea of Monsters
Percy, Poseidon's 13-year-old demigod son, is desperate to rescue his friend Grover, captive of the bloodthirsty Cyclops Polyphemus, and to retrieve the healing Golden Fleece. The sheepskin is needed to restore the protection around Camp Half-Blood, the only safe haven for the children of gods and humans, heroes-in-training in our modern world. However, the camp has already been compromised and the quest for the Golden Fleece has been awarded to the bully Clarisse. Encouraged by Hermes, Percy sets off for the Bermuda Triangle anyway with his friend Annabeth and classmate Tyson, who turns out to be a half-brother and a Cyclops as well. Adventure follows chaotic adventure at a rapid pace, and readers with even a passing acquaintance with the Odyssey will enjoy this fresh use of familiar stories.

The Titan's Curse
Percy Jackson is now 14, a bit older and wiser, yet still entangled with the Fates. Friends, monsters, dysfunctional gods, and the romantic stirrings of all things natural and mythological are encountered. His good friend, if oft-time rival, Annabeth (daughter of Athena) is missing, as is Artemis, goddess of the hunt. Joined by best buddy Grover-the-goat-boy and an argumentative array of accomplices, Percy sets off to fulfill, and hopefully foil, the foreboding prophecy of the Oracle. Plagued by ominous dreams, thwarted by hideous monsters, and challenged by conflicting partnerships, the search party's success hinges on unlikely unity. The droll pitch is teen-perfect, as when Apollo heats up the scene by arriving in his fire-red Maserati, wearing jeans, a sleeveless T-shirt, and loafers. 'Wow,' Thalia muttered, 'Apollo is hot.' 'He's the sun god,' I said. 'That's not what I meant.' Intricate prophecies and relationships are neatly braided into the adventurous plot.

The Battle of the Labyrinth
Percy and three friends set off on a quest through the treacherous labyrinth, in search of the inventor Daedalus, hoping that he will help them to defeat the army being assembled by Luke, son of Hermes. The thing is - Luke is just the messenger, and the evil he's about to unleash can bring down Olympus itself. Although still clueless about girls and relationships, Percy starts developing and unleashing his powers, and surprises even himself when he attempts to repeat Hercules' great stable cleansing project. Other demi-gods also come into their own in book four, and a mortal girl proves to be just the ticket, and in the nick of time too. In a related sub-story, the search for Pan reaches an exhilarating climax. Packed with monsters of all persuasions, gods and demi-gods, rescues, battles and side trips to Alcatraz and Mount St. Helens, this is by far the most exciting book of the series so far.

If you have children aged 8 to 14, or if you are a child at heart, you will enjoy these enchanting books. Percy Jackson and the Olympians is a rare series of books that not only entertains, but teaches. Teachers and parents alike will be overjoyed to have children reading this wonderful series.
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A whole new twist on Greek mythology
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Reader reviewed by co-chan

Percy Jackson has always had problems at school. The doctors diagnosed him with ADHD and dyslexia, the main reasons why he is kicked out of every school he ever goes to. But Percy's Latin teacher, a.k.a. Chiron, the centaur, has another explanation: Percy is a demi-god. And the son of none other than the sea god, Poseidon.

The book is very funny and easy to read. Once again I think it would appeal more to middle-school boys though anyone can enjoy the book.

Riordan is very creative and original with all the Olympian gods. The characters are nicely developed and flawed, making them very much human (or demi-godish, whatever). I read this book in one sitting.

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Another great book!
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Reader reviewed by Mina

This book was so good you would probably love this book if you like greek mythology. This is way less serious and so much funnier.

This is about a guy who thinks he's normal but really he is a half-blood (half greek god)and his life changes forever.

This book is one of my favorite books!
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Forget Harry Potter!
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Reader reviewed by big-brain

Percy Jackson a normal boy? Yeah right! He has gotten sent from private school to private school and finally stayed put at one. He goes on a feild trip to a museum and end up almost getting killed by his math teacher/monster. DUDE! He then finds out that he is a halfblood, a son of a human women and Greek god, and not just any god, Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. next his mom takes him to camp halfblood and he gets framed for stealing Zeus's lighning bolt and has to go on a quest to clear his name with his two best friends Annabeth who is a halfblood daughter of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, and Grover, a Satyr, a half-goat half-human. He end sup batteling Ares, the Greek god of war, and the ending you will have to find out yourself.

The lightning Theif is a thrilling fantasy packed with action and surprises around every corner. It has funny jokes and characters with great personalities and lots and lots of smarts. This book is for kids from ten to a hundred and ten, and especially for people who like adventure, and halarious goat-men.

to adults
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The Lightning Thief
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Reader reviewed by Harry

The bull-man charged to fast, his arms out to grab me whichever way I tried to dodge For my book report I read The Lightning Thief. The books genre was fantasy, and was told in the 1st person. The book was about a troubled boy, Percy, who discovered his father was a god, making him a half blood. He was sent off to a half blood camp where other half bloods like himself had a place to stay in the summer. While Percy is at camp he is given a quest to find Zeus stolen lightning bolt to prevent a major conflict or war between the gods. Percy, his satyr guardian Grover, and his fellow half blood Annabeth will have to fight mythological monsters and unravel a treachery more powerful then the gods themselves. His quest will reveal ancient Greek powers, and a betrayal from a friend. The Lightning Thief was by far one of my most favorite books I have ever read.
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan is a great recommendation for middle school readers. For starters, the book was never boring, and always was packed with suspense on every page. When reading the book I could never put it down always anxious to find out what would happen next. Usually when I read books it is hard for me to concentrate on the plot with so much going on in the book. The Lightning Thiefs plot was smooth and simple, action packed with monsters, gods, and heroes. My favorite part of Rick Riordans book was his writing style. The book was the most suspenseful page turners I have ever read, because of all of the battles and wacky twists he put in the book. I recommend The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan to any one looking for a suspenseful page turner, and a good read.
Overall, I think Rick Riordan did an awesome job with The Lightning Thief. His book is a great recommendation for a middle school student looking for a suspenseful read. The Lightning Thief was one of my favorite books, and I am looking forward to reading the sequel, The Sea of Monsters

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Can Percy Jackson Find The Lightning Thief !??!!!
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Reader reviewed by mike : )

Have you ever read a book which you really enjoyed? The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan could very well be the next fantasy book added to your list. This captivating story is told from the perspective of Percy Jackson, a half-human, half-god teen. Percy always used to think that he was normal, with the exception of a couple weird incidents. He doesn't know how wrong he is. Throughout the story, Percy makes many encounters with Greek gods and monsters. Only then does he become aware of his potential. To find what was stolen from Zeus, an all-powerful weapon which can destroy just about anything, Percy has to risk his own life and the lives of his friends, Grover and Annabeth. Will he succeed?
In terms of a good read, this book is up there. The story is long enough to satisfy advanced readers, yet not too hard and long to make more basic readers stop reading. For me, this book was a "can not put down" sort of book. By being an enjoyable style of writing, the story was easy to concentrate on and fun to read. The chapter names are hilarious, stuff like "I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom" and "A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers." As a fantasy book, I didn't find it believable, but I still could connect to some of the themes. One theme I connected to well was great friendship and trust. Just like Percy, I feel like I could trust my best friends with almost anything.
Now, an excerpt from The Lightning Thief:

Annabeth drew her sword.
There on the rocks just above us was a black hound the size of a rhino, with lava-red eyes and fangs like daggers.
It was looking straight at me.
Nobody moved except Annabeth, who yelled, "Percy, run!"
She tried to step in front of me, but the hound was too fast. It leaped over her an enormous shadow with teeth and just as it hit me, as I stumbled backward and felt its razor-sharp claws ripping through my armor, there was a cascade of thwacking sounds, like forty pieces of paper being ripped one after the other. From the hound's neck sprouted a cluster of arrows. The monster fell dead at my feet.
By some miracle, I was still alive.

If you liked that section from a chapter of The Lightning Thief, you are definitely ready for the whole book. Also, when you are finished reading this book, don't forget to check out the next two books in the series, The Sea of Monsters and The Titans Curse. And if you like those, a soon-to-be-named fourth book is planned to come out in May 2008. If you like this book as much as I do, you'll have a blast reading it.

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An Amazing Beginning Book
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Reader reviewed by Amanda

Well it's official. I have fallen in love with Percy Jackson. Sorry Aaron, I know we've only been married a few months, but you've been replaced by a 12 year old fictional character. Haha, I loved this book! As so many of you knew I would, I have become utterly addicted to the Percy Jackson books and I've only just begun. I cannot wait to get to the 2nd and will probably devour it just as fast as I did the first!

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, is the first in his "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" series. It all begins with 12 year old Percy Jackson at his boarding school for troubled kids. Throughout the beginning of the novel, Percy slowly discovers his true heritage and the reason why things haven't gone right for most of his life. Percy's mother is a normal human being, but his father is Poseidon, God of the Sea. Percy is a Half-Blood and because of a current war between the Gods, he is in incredible danger. Percy, with the help of who he thought was his Greek mythology teacher, begins training at Camp Half-Blood, a summer camp (and year-round camp for some) of children of Gods. He then is sent on a quest to retrieve a possession of Zeus's before the entire world is taken over by a war of the Gods. With his companions, Grover, a young satyr, and Annabeth, Athena's daughter, Percy learns more about being a Half-Blood than he ever thought he would and learns a lot about himself along the way. This book is filled with action...tons of monster attacks and for a Greek mythology lover like myself, it was a great match of youth fiction and great myths. I had a blast reading it!

Honestly, I can say that this is some of the best fiction I've read in a long time. I know Percy Jackson has been compared to Harry Potter in many ways and I can certainly see why. Both boys are on a constant quest with their friends, to save lives and to find their own true identities. I am very surprised that these novels have not gotten bigger than they are. I know that in our blogging circle they are very popular, but I have never heard children at my library refer to them and as of now, that's going to change! I can't wait to spread the word about Percy!
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Omg! I love this book.
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Reader reviewed by Lesha

This is a story about a boy who is half god. Very cleche, I know. His father is Posiden, the Greek god of the sea. He lives with his mom and her horid boyfriend, Gabe. Percy goes away to Camp HalfBlood, a camp for half human, half god children where they can harness there godly abilities and learn in a safe inviroment. Percy, Anna Belle, and some centaur I can't remember the name of have to go on this great journey to recover Zeuses faveourite lightning bolt and Hades's Helm of Darkness. They uncover a conspiracy by Ares and expose him. Then they all live hapily ever after, not.
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