Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 1362
Worth Following to the Conclusion
(Updated: October 24, 2023)
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This trilogy hit its stride with this book. I enjoyed every character as they explored new depths and the stakes became higher. In a flip from the last book, my favorite focus was when Susanna and Jack’s torturous and tumultuous fight across the wasteland with no protections was featured.
I continued to enjoy the father, James. He was supportive, protective, loving, and strong at all the right times. He was a balm to the chaotic events to which he and Joan were subjected. Joan was more loving in this book and I liked her better than before.
The wraiths never set right with me in the books. The fact that innocent souls such as the very young, old, or handicapped are more likely to fall prey to them and be transformed because their mental limits affected their physical capabilities in the wasteland was so tragic. This seemed an imbalance that good souls might not make it to a peaceful afterlife. I like that this book set up a way to change that and to save the souls that had been corrupted.
I admire Tristan’s unwavering love for Dylan. Her decisions had real implications for his upcoming eternal existence that looked bleak. Yet, even with the knowledge of upcoming suffering he supported her.
Overall, this was a satisfying ending to the trilogy. It redeemed characters that I had not previously liked. There were several twists in the plot that left the wasteland and afterlife a better place than it began in the first book. This is a series worth giving a chance and following to its full conclusion.

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