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Young Adult Fiction 603
Time travel to book 3 please!
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Happy Scream for finally getting to read the second installment and it was everything I wanted and more. Joan is sick after unmaking Nick in the old timeline. She misses him terribly and is facing an existence without him, but then a new boy shows up at her school and it is Nick! This is a Nick with a happy home life and no knowledge of monsters. She tries to stay away but the pull of the true timeline wants them together. However, with every step together she has a soul-deep love for him and a terrible distrust of him making for heart-wrenching drama.
I love that we learn about the identity of the mysterious woman who broke Nick into becoming the monster slayer. Her plan had twists that I did not see coming and an outcome that had me on the edge of my seat. I was surprised to find out about the origins of Joan's abilities and why the king changed the timeline originally.
I am happy for the return of Aaron and in an ironic mirror image of events from book one, he is now the person after Joan. I loved finally finding out about his past and getting him on her side again. Yet, because of twisty timeline events, you must wonder if he is truly on her side or if he is waiting to betray her.
The setting for this story is wonderfully engaging. I love the idea of time travel and am as awestruck as Joan is about getting to see the past yet it comes at a terrible price. While this book answered so many questions from book one there is still a terrible dilemma, they must combat in book three and can I just go ahead and time travel to the future so I can read book 3? I also am as torn as Joan on whether she can love and trust Nick and Aaron and I have no idea who to root for most for her affections.
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