Review Detail

Kids Fiction 338
A Day of Fun with Dad!
Overall rating
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Anna Dewdney's famous "Llama Llama" series is a treat to read and has always put a smile on my face. She covers the simplest, most basic, yet most pertinent aspects of parenting, so that the child and the parent reading are nodding their heads in understanding. She now has given Llama Llama's neighbor, Nelly Gnu, her very own book! And it is certainly a celebration of fatherhood.

Nelly and her dad start off their day with every intention, it is clear, of spending it all together, and all of it devoting their love and attention to each other. Though the rhyming is occasionally lackluster and predictable, the various scenes in this story are sure to tug on the heartstrings and inspire you to be fully present and creative with your children. This would also make a great Father's Day gift for any family with young children, I'm sure.
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