Michael and Black and Mr Lion's Feast

Michael and Black and Mr Lion's Feast
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
May 05, 2014
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A GREAT READ FOR YOUNG CHILDREN WITH AN INTEREST IN ANIMALS Michael and Black are settling down for a BBQ and for an evening under the stars when they hear the sound of Mr. Lion roaring, advertising that he has a feast and inviting other animals to come to his party. Then one by one the other animals respond as they accept his invitation. As the animals travel through the bush they call and Michael and Black enjoy the magic of the night sounds, especially Michael's favourite animal in all the world. RITA HAYWARD grew up in South Africa and currently resides in New Zealand. A large part of her passion for conservation is to help young children to become passionate about it too. The books she writes are for the very young, to encourage them to learn about wild animals and to use their imaginations for what may be possible in their own lives. This is the second book in the Michael and Black African series after Michael and Black Walk on the Wild Side. Look out for Michael and Black Go Fishing, which will hopefully be out soon, where they see all the reptiles in the river. 10% of the Author's royalty will be donated to WILDLIFE ACT.

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Love it!!
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My daughter and I are in love with this book. She has such wonder in her eyes as she discovers this new world and can’t get enough learning about all the animals. I think that because Michael and Black, even being a normal boy and a normal family dog, can have such an adventure opens her eyes to everything that is possible for herself. I love that she learns about the beauty of nature and that the simplest things such as family, friendship, looking at the night sky, earring an animal calling are in fact the most important things of all.
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A great book for kids' conservation
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What I loved about this book was the many great lessons that it had to teach my kids (6 and 4). It teaches about animals and touches on the importance of conservation, and I think that is such an important message for all young people.
I am aware that there are other books in this series which is great, as I enjoy having sequels or series for my kids to read. It helps them develop an affinity with the characters.
All over, a great story, and wonderful pictures of real animals in the wild for my kids to learn from.
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