Lupe Lopez: Reading Rock Star!

Lupe Lopez: Reading Rock Star!
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
June 13, 2023
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Learning to read is kind of a big deal, and Lupe Lopez has a lot to learn—in her own feisty way—to reach her goal of becoming a Reading Rock Star.

Famous at Hector P. Garcia Elementary for being the first kid in kindergarten to ever start a band, Lupe Lopez enters first grade seeking a new sort of fame. She’s ready to rock and roll straight into the role of Reading Rock Star! But despite her best efforts, the words she thought she knew—now grouped in sentences—only glare back at her. Stuck in Group A with the kids who can’t read, she becomes the object of a rival’s mockery. Will her beloved band, and her confidence, survive the sting of defeat? Leave it to Lupe to prove that the beat she feels when she taps her pencil isn’t so very different from words and sentences—and that a real rock star is someone who doesn’t give up. Featuring simple text laced with Spanish words, dynamic illustrations, and a reassuring theme, this sequel to Lupe Lopez: Rock Star Rules! will encourage fledgling readers to keep trying, even if they miss a beat or two.

Editor review

1 review
charming picture book
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LUPE LOPEZ: READING ROCK STAR! is a cute picture book about learning to read challenges. Lupe is so excited to learn to read and potentially get a gold sticker next to her name in the first grade, but she is soon to realize that reading is more challenging than she thought. Lupe is in Group A for awesome, until her rival makes her realize that Group A is for the kids who can't read. As Lupe feels discouraged, even her bandmates encouragement can't cheer her up. That is, until she begins to find a new strategy for learning to read, realizing that reading is just like playing music. Before long, Lupe is back at it and improving on her skills.

What I loved: This was a really cute story about struggling academically - but also keeping at it and finding new strategies to achieve your goals. Reading doesn't always come easily to young children, and Lupe shows them that it is okay to stumble along the way. Lupe is supported by her friends/bandmates and teacher as they encourage her as she tries to read. While her strategy isn't one that can be copied, her can-do spirit and determination can!

This book extends from the first in the Lupe Lopez series, bringing a new story for this effervescent and vivacious character. Lupe is someone that young readers can relate to, bringing her own flair to academic work. The illustrations are colorful and capture attention, and the story length is great for older picture book readers. This is not a quick read, but it really presents the themes and plot well through dialogue and prose.

What left me wanting more: As a small thing, Lupe seems to be getting bullied a bit by her rival, who steals her sunglasses and teases her about her inability to read. It would have been great to see this addressed more within the story.

Final verdict: Overall, LUPE LOPEZ: READING ROCK STAR! is a charming and delightful picture book about determination and challenges in learning new things. Recommend for elementary school aged picture book readers.
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