Love Makes a Garden Grow

Love Makes a Garden Grow
Age Range
Release Date
March 28, 2023
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From the bestselling illustrator of Strictly No Elephants comes a sweetly personal and stunningly illustrated picture book about a young girl who grows closer to her grandfather by tending to the garden with him.

When I am as small
as a sprout,
Grandfather’s garden feels

A young girl observes the bugs and blooms and the rich smell of the soil of her grandfather’s garden. Her grandfather hums as he waters his treasured plants. And when he gives the girl a flower of her own, caring for it teaches her to feel her grandfather’s love.

Even as time passes and her grandfather’s garden grows smaller and the girl grows up, she never forgets what she learned or loses her closeness with her nurturing grandfather.

When my daughter is as small
as a sprout, we visit Grandfather

Inspired by the author-illustrator’s own family, this beautiful and personal story celebrates the love that binds families and makes us who we are.

Editor review

1 review
Great Multigenerational Read
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Growing up, a young girl spends as much time as she can planting a garden with her grandfather. It's something they share a love for and it's a great way to make memories. But as she grows, she realizes that even though the garden seems smaller, it's still filled with just as much love as always. While it's sad she can't see her grandfather as often, she still can carry a piece of him everywhere with the plants he grows. With a blink of the eye, she's grown and bringing her own daughter to see his garden.

LOVE MAKES A GARDEN GROW is a heartfelt story that focuses on the bond between a grandfather and his granddaughter. No matter how much time and distance there is between them, they can always come back together with their love for gardening. The illustrations are vibrant with beautiful water-color style details. It also shows how fast time can pass and how you shouldn't take anything for granted. It teaches children to make the best out of the time you have and share it with the ones you love.

Final Verdict: This is a great picture book for grandparents to share with their grandchildren and it's also a great way to encourage a child's love for plants. It's inspirational and heartwarming to see the beauty of gardening and how you can share that love for it with others.
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