Little Mole Gives Thanks

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Little Mole Gives Thanks
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
August 22, 2023
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Pinecone pie, acorn stew, mushroom soup! Little Mole's big table is all set for his fancy fall feast, and he can't wait to welcome three very important guests. But when each of these guests delivers the news that they won't be able to attend, Little Mole doesn't know what to do. Who will fill his table? Disappointment turns into gratitude as his community shows Little Mole what true friendship looks like, just in time for the big feast he and Mama worked so hard to prepare.

In this fourth installment in the Little Mole series, author Glenys Nellist and illustrator Sally Garland team up again to bring a welcoming and inclusive tale. Children will relate to Little Mole's feelings of disappointment and be inspired to turn to their friends for comfort when things don't go the way they planned.

Editor reviews

2 reviews
Sweet and Wholesome
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Little Mole has invited three important guests to his feast. He makes sure his table is filled with the most delicious foods. He reserves three of the chairs for his special guests of honor. Little Mole's friends are curious about who these seats are reserved for but he just replies that they'll see. Each of the VIP guests arrives and tells Little Mole they are too busy to join his feast. Little Mole is disappointed that his feast is ruined, but his friends immediately jump in to cheer him up. It's then that Little Mole realizes who should be his special guests.

What I Liked: The author weaves several life lessons into this sweet story, the most important being to be thankful for your friends. The illustrations are full of details and use fall colors to make you feel as if you are in the forest with Little Mole and his friends.

Little Mole Gives Thanks is a wholesome book that encourages readers to be thankful for the beautiful friendships they have made.
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When your guests don't show up...
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Little Mole is very excited to be having a forest feast! He's made pinecone pie and acorn stew, set the table, and is eagerly awaiting his Very Important Guest. His friends stop by to admire his work and ask what he is doing, and he tells them that he is waiting for the folks he invited. He's brushed his fur and gotten ready, but when his guests arrive, he is disappointed. Principal Porcupine has an event at school, Fireman Fox has to clean his fire truck, and Mayor Moose has a council meeting. Downcast, Little Mole is comforted by his friends, who are more than glad to come to his feast. The day is saved when Little Mole is able to honor the people are really Very Important in his life with all of his hard work.

Good Points
The refrain of "Who's this special seat for?" will make this a good choice for read alouds as the holiday season approaches. The illustrations have a lot of delightful fall colors, and Little Mole has a wide variety of friends.

This author and illustrator have also collaborated on Little Mole Goes to School, Little Mole Finds Hope, and Little Mole's Christmas Gift if you want to read more of his adventures!

There are a fair number of picture books about Thanksgiving, so Little Mole is a good addition to Ehrenberg's Pearl and Squirrel Give Thanks, Fryer Brown's Twelve Dinging Doorbells, Alsdurf's Thanksgiving in the Woods, and if you can find a copy, the 1971 favorite, the Devlin's Cranberry Thanksgiving.
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