I Love You, Too!

I Love You, Too!
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
December 29, 2015

Award-winning author Eve Bunting writes about the love between mama and baby...

"Once there was a little brown puppy who loved his mama very much. So he got the the best present he could find--a big, beautiful bone...." A little brown puppy, a little baby turtle, a snowy white kitten, and other baby animal friends...each finds a present for Mama, which the little one delivers with a sweet little rhyme such as: "This bone was very hard to get./It's from a dinosaur, I bet." And each mama demonstrates her appreciation and her love. "I love the bone, my little brown puppy. And I love you," Mama says.

Editor reviews

2 reviews
So sweet
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
This book is so sweet and touching. I love a good parenting book that shows just how much we love our kids, no matter who they are or what they do. The animal characters are cute and the story is fun and entertaining. Perfect for little ones who need a reminder every now and then how much we love them.
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