How Many Squirrels Are in the World?

How Many Squirrels Are in the World?
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
February 14, 2023
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A lively, humorous counting book featuring a kid trying to keep up with a load of sassy squirrels.

Some days it seems like there are squirrels everywhere! When a curious little girl decides she must find out exactly how many there are, her mission has her searching high and low, counting squirrels all over town. Only problem is, these frisky squirrels sure move around. Will she ever get a grip on the squirrely squirrel number situation?

In this lively count-along book, Ben Gundersheimer’s playful rhyming text, based on a song from his album Pizza for Breakfast, pairs perfectly with Marcos Almada Rivero’s funny, eye-catching illustrations. As children marvel over our heroine’s persistence, they will have fun spotting oodles of rambunctious squirrels.

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Can You Help Dognut Count the Threats?
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A little girl and her dog start to notice how many squirrels there are as they are outside in the yard. Armed with a notebook, the girl starts to count the squirrels and notice where they like to hang out, while her dog delights in chasing them. They venture to a local park, where they see even more. When the girl counts up to twenty, she questions how many squirrels must there be in the world, but tires of counting them. As she naps, her dog keeps one eye open, but doesn't chase down the squirrel who runs off with her notebook.
Good Points
There is a page of squirrel facts at the end, including the information that National Squirrel Appreciation day is January 21! While there is a little bit of information about the different colors it is usual to see in squirrels (brown, cream, black, and red), the squirrels in the book also come in purple, orande, and blue! The artwork, which are digitally rendered, has a watercolor or chalk pastel feel to it, and the outdoor settings make it fun to hunt for all of the squirrels on each two page spread. The animals are shown flying from branch to branch in trees, hunkered down on the ground enjoying nuts, and chasing each other around playground. This would be fun to read with a small child who is honing counting skills.

The rhyme in this is fine, and the text is limited, which makes it a fast read aloud. This is a good thing if the book becomes a favorite! After reading this, I realized that my knowledge of counting books is fairly limited; I don't think Gag's Millions of Cats is really a "counting" book! Lynge's Counting Arctic Animals, Drago's Monsters Play... Counting and Lake's 1,2,3...Animals would be good companions to this one. Of course, to really balance things out, Barclay's Counting Dogs or the fantastic 100 Dogs: Playful Pups to Count by Michael Whaite are a good balance!
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