Review Detail

Middle Grade Fiction 301
Survival in the human/animal kingdom
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What worked:
Woodwalkers can transform from humans into different kinds of animals which creates unusual interactions between characters. Carag, a puma, is best friends with Holly, a mischievous squirrel who exudes plenty of attitude. A skunk woodwalker shoots his stink when nervous which is utilized as a distraction by other characters. Carag has an ongoing feud with Jeff and his gang of wolf bullies that exemplifies the perceived conflict between cats and dogs. Carag was helped by a white wolf in the last book but he’s confused by her behavior this time around. The teaching staff can also transform into animals and their curriculum teaches woodwalkers how to live among humans.
A conflict with Andrew Milling continues after Carag refuses to help the wicked man/puma in the last book. Milling wants to kill humans for revenge and he hints that he’s finding additional, secret help within Carag’s school. The man’s threats are always in the back of Carag’s mind so his presence will remain a part of the series plot until the end. Readers will wonder what Milling is up to and if conflicts in the book are parts of his plan or separate problems. Do the burglaries in this book have anything to do with Milling? How is the robber able to steal the contents of bank deposit boxes but still leave the vault doors locked from the inside? It sounds like the work of a woodwalker but who, how, and why?
Holly is obviously a main focus in this book as her new guardian wants her removed from the school. Her rebellious nature refuses to let this happen and her first instinct is to hide in the woods until things calm down. However, she decides to use her tendency to create mischief to force her new guardian into letting her stay with her friends. The discovery of a woodwalker wolf cub in the wild leads to additional problems and revelations that will impel Carag to take action against his enemies.
What didn’t work as well:
The series has so many characters and animals that trying to visualize them can be a challenge. Although they’re usually in human form, their animal appearances range from insects and mice to bison and elk, and everything in between. The author helps readers by weaving references to the animal forms into the plot.
The final verdict:
This book continues the series plot so I suggest you read at least the previous book first (I haven’t read the first one myself). Carag’s efforts to thwart Milling’s plans underlie additional conflicts involving robberies, the lost wolf cub, Holly’s guardian, and Carag’s puma family. Overall, this book offers a creative version of character transformations and I recommend you give it a shot.
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