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4.2 23
Middle Grade Fiction 174
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Reader reviewed by Raelyn

            Hatchet is the most exciting and thrilling book Ive ever read. It is about a boy who is thirteen and named Brian Robeson. He is going to visit his dad but his plane crashes, but before he got on the plane, his mom gave him a hatchet as a present. Later on it is his most pries position, it is what helps him with hunting and building. He is all alone out somewhere out in the wilderness. He has to survive animal attacks, starvation, and storms, hoping someone will rescue him.

The writer, Gary Paulsen, got his ideas from when he was a child he was fascinated by nature. My favorite line in the book is, he turned back to his campsite and looked to the wreckage. He had a lot to do, rebuild the shelter, get a new fire going find some food or get ready to find some food, make weapons-and he had to work slowly because his ribs hurt. It is based on realistic fiction, and is a really good book. I would recommend this book to every one nine and older. Some other books written by Gary Paulsen are Brains Winter, Brains Hunt, Dancing Carl, Dogsong, Sentries, and Tracker. Hatchet has also won the Newbery Honor Book Award. My brother and dad both read it and said it was one of the best books they have ever read, they didnt want to put it down and I am almost sure you wont either.

            I think every one should read this book, it is adventurous and mysterious. I liked it very muck and I think you will to.

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March 19, 2012
Yes,I agree it is very excited i really enjoyed the book very much. At some chapters i could not put the book down.
March 19, 2012
I agree! I loved this book because Brian had to face a lot of problems against nature and animals. It was interesting to see what was going to happen to him next. The thing I loved most about this book is they made a movie about this book. The only thing is the movie was a little different than the book. I really think you should read this book Hatchet!! :)
March 19, 2012
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March 19, 2012
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The book was very different from the movie lolollolll hahhaahhahahahahhaahhahhahahahh!!!!!
March 19, 2012
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March 19, 2012
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I love this bookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk....................nottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
March 19, 2012
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March 19, 2012
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The book was to boyish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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