Giveaway: Homeland Insecurity (Shawn M. Warner) ~ International!

We are excited to share a giveaway for Homeland Insecurity (Shawn M. Warner)!




Meet the Author: Shawn M. Warner

Shawn’s an adventure lover whose wildest and most rewarding journey is being a husband and father — followed closely by inventing Young Adult characters and concocting outlandish adventures for them.

In Homeland Insecurity, a fast-paced action-adventure, Shawn crafted a tale readers will fall in love with. Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor, his debut, became Amazon’s #1 Best Seller around the globe and is available in multiple languages as well as on audio.

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About the Book: Homeland Insecurity

Secret agents are all Jack and his friends ever wanted to be. Spy adventures were the movies they watched, the books they read, even the games they played.

Playtime is over!


Kelly, a political refugee and freind of Jack’s sister, is targeted for revenge by the man her father sent to prison. Armed with nothing but heroic courage and skills born from their childhood dreams, Jack and his friends fight a battle against an enemy who uses fear, torture and murder to get what they want. If they are to survive, they must work together.

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Title: Homeland Insecurity

Author: Shawn M. Warner

Illustrator:  Cover = Black Rose Writing; Inside art = Brian Brinlee

Release Date: June 4, 2024

Publisher: Black Rose Writing

ISBN-13: 9781685134709 | 9781685134280

Genre: Young Adult

Age Range: 13+




*Giveaway Details*


Two (2) winners will receive an Advanced Reader Edition of Homeland Insecurity (Shawn M. Warner) ~ US Only!


a Rafflecopter giveaway



Eight (8) winners will receive an epub edition of Homeland Insecurity (Shawn M. Warner) ~ International!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 thought on “Giveaway: Homeland Insecurity (Shawn M. Warner) ~ International!”

  1. This is an intriguing cover and sounds like an interesting read!

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