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5.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 214
Sob fest till the very end
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FROST LIKE NIGHT was such a perfect ending for a great series. It picks up where Ice Like Fire left off. Meira has left and gone with Rares to figure out how to protect herself, fight against Angra, and end the war. What I loved is how much Meira grows in this last book. She really learns how to control her magic and trust that the people she loves can handle whats to come. She blames herself for what happened to her people and to her friends, but in FLN, through Rares and Oana she learns to let that go. That it’s not her fault and the best she can do is to fight. She learns not to fear her magic, even though magic has been used to do bad things, her and her magic are not bad and can do good.

What I loved:

A lot of the first part of the book is setting up what’s to come in the second half. So I know for some it feels like it moves slow but it really is a good set up. Plus we get to see more and more relationships grow. Not to mention how Rhythms and Seasons are fighting together, side by side to stop Angra. As well as Meira’s relationship with her friends, her people, and those in the surrounding kingdoms. I absolutely loved Meira’s strength in this book. She starts out as someone who really doubts herself and her magic, but in FROST LIKE NIGHT she really comes into her own. She knows to win this war she will have to use her magic. And she learns to trust those closest to her. With a lot of really close calls this book will have you on the edge of your seat. It is told in multiple POVs and every time you leave one, it’s in the middle of something happening. Which made me flip through the pages so fast. And not reading the last page was the hardest thing I had to do. This book was everything I had hoped for.

Now when I first started this series, Mather really really bothered me, but in these last two books, he grew on me so much. The way he’s willing to fight beside Meira and how he trusts her. I really loved that about his character. He didn’t stop her from doing anything, he just promised he’d follow her. I think that’s one of my favorite things in books. When the guy doesn’t get in the way of the girl but stands beside her and helps her. I love that! It’s one of the things I loved best about this series and these characters.

What left me wanting more:

Like I said before the first half of the book is really setting up the fighting and getting everyone together and getting a plan in motion that it starts out a bit slow. But that build up and the slow burn really get it going for when the fighting does start. There are plans and failed missions and it all comes together in the end. So that when you get to the final battle it really packs a punch. Then there’s the different POVs. Which always interrupt the best parts, but I liked knowing what was happening in everyone else’s part of the fight. It just made me turn the pages faster. Plus I think Sara pulled it off really well. I liked seeing inside Mather’s mind and Ceridwen’s. Especially Ceridwen’s, she’s such a little punk, but in like the best way possible.

Overall, I loved this book. It was amazing and left me in tears and I was just so happy with the way it ended. I thought Sara did such an amazing job. This is a series that I have loved since the very beginning and seeing it end in such a great way, makes it worth every moment of waiting. Frost Like Night is an amazing sob fest that had me crying sad and happy tears. I don’t want to say to much and spoil it for anyone else, but pick this one up when it comes out September 20th. It’s worth it, it really is! And when you do read it come drop me a line and we can freak out over it!
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