Review Detail

3.5 21
Young Adult Fiction 235
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Perhaps I’ve been spoiled by the amazing books I’ve read this week, or this book really was just bad. I didn’t connect with any of the characters, and found them either irritating (Luce and Daniel) or dull (Cam and Penn). I thought the reform school scenario was an interesting change of setting from other YA paranormal romances, but unfortunately it didn’t add much to the story. This was less of a love story and more of a tale of a disturbed girl obsessing over a guy who was extremely rude to her straight off the bat, while leading on the boring, cute, nice guy. Oh, and she sees shadows which make bad things happen.

I found my eyes glazing over and my brain turning to mush as I read this. But again I think this may have more to do with it not holding up to the other books I’ve been reading. I didn’t want to finish it, but I’m of the mind “it might get better.” It did…a little.

One last note: A greater, cosmic, soul-mate connection does not make up for lack of chemistry! I saw nothing that drew Luce and Daniel together, but rather Daniel just tells Luce that they’re drawn together and always immediately fall in love. So if Daniel says so, it must be so. Free will be damned!
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