Review Detail

4.1 28
Young Adult Fiction 515
Vampires, Teens, Angst, etc.
Overall rating
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Reader reviewed by Kathleen

Evernight by Claudia Gray is one of those books that you start at midnight and finish around four in the morning. You know the type; Short, sweet, to the point, and addictive. I would never in a million years call this a fantastic book, however, as an overnight crawl under the covers and dont sleep book, Evernight is pretty much perfect.

The story centers on Bianca and her experience at her new boarding school, Evernight Academy, where her parents have just become teachers. On her first day she meets Lucas, another new student who feels just as out of place amidst the lofty, rich regulars. Theres vampires too but it would ruin the whole first half of the book if I told you who and where. I mean, youll figure it out pretty quick but expect the unexpected.

What makes this book good? It takes the ridiculously unoriginal idea of vampires and a gothic boarding school and adds a little twist that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. Biancas friend Lucas is another one of those tall sexy book boys who can fight and may or may not be dangerous. Actually, a lot of the secondary characters have some fascinating development and back story to them which is something you dont generally get a lot of in books like this. The plot was well& plotted? Oh dear, I need sleep. The plot was& riveting. It wasnt in any way original but the romantic story line was filled with twists and speed bumps that kept the book propped open on my pillow.

What made this book bad? The rest of the plot was simple and didnt really amount to much. The end of the book hints to an ulterior series plot but this book itself was mostly romance which wasnt a huge problem for me. The character of Bianca is dull dull dull. Shes one of those, what are they called? Mary Sue characters who are just pretty and sort of smart and attract all of the guys and she isnt really into anything. I felt that Ms. Gray delved so much deeper into smaller characters and completely neglected her main heroine.

Overall, I wouldnt say not to read this book. Its not like it was a dark black shadow upon young adult literature, and if youve never read a vampire novel before, you may actually enjoy it immensely. And really it made for an entertaining night. I would say that Evernight is great way to fritter away a few extra hours of unused time after a long day of making your brain work hard. Everybody needs a break now and then.
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