Evermore (The Immortals #1)

3.4 (53)
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"Evermore" is the story of Ever, who gained powers to see the dead and hear other people's thoughts (and see auras) after she survived a car accident which killed her family. Her new powers are more of a burden than a blessing and she has retreated to cope with them and the loss of her family- at least she still sees her sister Riley too. Damen is the hot new guy at school who for some reason seems interested in Ever. However, he clearly has some secrets.

Overall, it was an okay book- not my favorite. It really centered a little too much around the relationship between Ever and Damen for my liking- school and everything else falls to the wayside. Also, all the characters seemed a little too cliched and one-dimensional. For instance, there's Miles, her gay friend who seems to embody most gay stereotypes including a love of musical theater- he even gets to play the female lead in Hairspray, the musical the school is putting on. He also finds all his dates through online apps. This was not my favorite and I found even Ever and Damen to be a little too one-dimensional for me.

Despite those shortcomings, overall, the book was still pretty enjoyable and fast-paced; I did read it all the way through. The mysteries that are raised (particularly around Damen) are really enough to keep you engaged until the end- it's also a quick read. However, I am not sure if I will continue with the series.
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This book.... I'm not sure what to think about it. It had a good idea for a plot but I felt it was rushed, the whole book seemed kind of rushed to me actually. Bits and pieces (Skyrim...), just thrown together to make a quick novel. This is a very easy quick read. I could've finished it all in one day.

Now, the characters, I'm not sure how I feel about Ever, to me seemed like she never grew any throughout this book, I don't like that. When someone goes through massive events, you're going to change like it or not. Maybe where she was a cheerleader before... that's why she seemed a little shallow coming from that kind of lifestyle. Anyway, I don't like her really.

Miles was my favorite character, too bad he wasn't in there more. He was funny, a good friend, and actually seemed like a likable guy.

I don't think I'll be continuing with this series.
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My Evermore Review
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I have been holding out on this series for a while, and now I am banging my head against my palm and wondering WHY!?! It was such a great beginning to this series. I was swept away in this world full of circumstance, tragedy, and romance. Alyson Noel definitely has my attention! I could not have been more pleased with this book.

Ever is the MC. She has suffered a tremendous loss. After losing her family in a crash, she is left with psychic abilities. This is no palm reading, flip of the card gift. Ever can see memories, hear thoughts, and see people’s auras. This would seem like the best gift ever RIGHT… I have found myself on numerous occasions wishing I could read the thoughts of people around me or at least know how they actually felt. Yet, Ever puts it all in perspective for me, and from what I have glimpsed, it sounds horrible! Ever was definitely a favorite for me. She was a character I could imagine myself befriending. Although she had her flaws, she was a realistic and relatable character.

The world turned upside down when I met Damen. Damen is one of those dark and mysterious characters you want to figure out, yet at the same time, keep shrouded in mystery. I must admit, I was extremely frustrated when he kept disappearing. My curiosity was killing me! The best part! He was definitely not your stereotypical vampire! This was quite a relief to me, believe it or not. But her, any guy who can magically make tulips appear is on my ‘I don’t care who or what you are I’m in lust for you’ list.

The circumstantial star-crossed lovers sold it for me. I do not know why, but I am a huge sucker for star-crossed lovers! The fact that they were kept apart because of foul play drove me insane! On another note, the fact that Damen just went with all Ever’s supposed deaths also drove me up a wall. The romance was just so… wonderful! Damen is definitely a charmer. I also really liked the fact that Ever wasn’t just a fall head over heels, I’ll do anything you ask kind of girl. She held out there for a while. I have to applaud her for that. I know how hard it is to tell the person you love no.

I really enjoyed this book. Between the tragic losses, the romance, the slight drama, and the outcome; I could not put this book down! I am really eager to see what happens in the next installment. I am hoping that Haven and Miles are still their ever pesky selves (:! Thanks for reading my review!
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Ever can see peoples feelings. Damen is like a weird vampire, except not a vampire. He's immortal.
Those are not reasons why I liked this book.
Ever's sister Riley was such a great character. And I loved Ever's friends.
I did not like Ever, but Damen was hot. So 1 star for Damen!
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A Mixed Bag
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I really wanted to love this book. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. I was left sort of feeling ... meh. It's an interesting idea, but many elements of it feel too predictable and cliche. The immortal hot boy who inexplicably loves the human girl. The human girl seeming to have no other friends, no interests, no life outside of the hot boy. And a ton of the plot revolving around whether hot boy's secrets will stand in the way of the inevitable romance. However, the main characters ARE interesting, the twist of Ever's sister's ghost is nice, and Summerland is beautiful. I didn't care for the ending because it was one of those "the villain is gone so I will now leave the girl unprotected and OH NO the villain is still here!" things, and I felt like I wanted a more solid set-up for the resolution and a better reason for the heroine to face the villain alone. I think this book will definitely have fans since the romance is timeless and epic and has supernatural elements to it, but I wanted more from this.
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dont love it dont hate it... its ok
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I like the series I do! I read the books very fast and it holds some great characters.

Miles I love! very camp and funny.. The story has a lot of dynamic and can go far, however this is not twilight and I feel a lot of people read these books thinking it would be its not. If your the type of person who likes to know everything right away, this is not the series for you. Noel does not like to give much of anything away and honestly at times can leave the reader frustrated.
Good Points
the plot has dynamic
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Good Story but the Romance Falls A Little Flat
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Reader reviewed by Kayla

I really liked this book and I plan on reading the entire series.  I liked Ever a lot and I hope her character stays consistent throughout the series (unlike Bella in Twilight who got weaker and more codependent).  I'm not really attracted to Damen but I don't dislike him either.  I'm just sort of "meh" about him.  I couldn't really feel the spark between him and Ever.  I hope his character gets fleshed out more in the other books.  I would like to know more about his "bad boy" past and how Ever was able to influence him so much.  Ever's story and how she was dealing with her abilities were the main draw for me.  This could be called a Twilight rip-off but I thought it was original enough and had some unique aspects to it.  The writing was better too.
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Finished in less than 24 hours...
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Reader reviewed by iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books

Read the original post at iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books

Ever is a girl who's not normal. She can hear people's thoughts, speak to ghosts, see auras, and read people's entire life stories. Oh, and she's already died before, along with the rest of her family. Which was her fault. 

Now comes in a gorgeous, sexy, mysterious guy who can do just about everything and has been just about everywhere. And Ever has the feeling she's met him before. One touch of his silences everybody else's thoughts and sends tingles and warmth all over her. Nobody else can do that. 

While Damen is part of her school life, at home, Ever lives with her rich lawyer aunt and is visited by her dead sister, Riley. Riley died at thirteen and is now back to live her life through Ever. It's tragic, but sometimes I couldn't understand how Ever enjoyed Riley's presence so much if all they seemed to do was argue or if Ever complained about her sister's clothes which were hers.

Fans of Twilight will definitely enjoy this one. This book was well written, and the characters were relatable. Every story needs a goth (Haven) and a popular, mean girl (Stacia). Plus the sarcastic best friend, who in this case, is also gay (Miles). Noel's writing style is skilled with its descriptive scenes and vivid pictures and I enjoyed how Ever narrated the story. Her slight stalker-ish behavior was a little old, but she was funny and seemed like someone who could be my best friend. There were some cliches and just some plot lines that seemed "same old, same old." Still, this was a fast read that I loved and left me wanting more, so I checked out Blue Moon the next day and finished it! 
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Reader reviewed by Kyla

This book is sooo cool! I thought it would be, like, too much like Twilight by Stephanie Meyer (Which I love) to like but it was pretty original. I like the whole falling in love with a vampire and possibly dying today thing. Another thing I like about this is how Ever dies but comes back to life. It is soooo romantic how he waits for her to come back each time she dies. She always dies too early, though, because she some how always dies a virgin. :(
Really good book.
~Kyla  : )
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I've seen this before..
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Reader reviewed by sariebearie08

I really, really wanted to love this book. But I didn't. I liked the
main character, Ever and I loved her connection to her little sister,
Riley. However, I wasn't exactly drawn to the story. First of fall -
the mind reading thing bore a very similar resemblance to the character
of Sookie Stackhouse. Both characters are overwhelmed with other
peoples thoughts and for some inexplicable reason, they cannot hear
there love interests thoughts - which draws them together. Also, I
didn't particularly like Damen. Which is a problem, because he is
suppose to be the love interest. However, my biggest problem with this
book was the editing. I found tons and tons of grammatical errors and
just other basic errors. I don't know if they were rushing to get this
book ton and shoved into the twilight market or what, but I think
someone could have taken more time editing the book. There are lots of
repeated words and one that stands out in my mind was on the first or
second page when Ever was thinking about her family. Buttercup, the
yellow lab (which I paid particular attention to because I have a
yellow lab named Buttercup), switches genders within a paragraph. It
really bothers me when books have lots of errors, because they feel
incomplete, rushed and undeveloped.
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