Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 244
Intense Ending
Overall rating
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Defend the Dawn was a solid second book. We are introduced to a new perspective from someone named the Outlaw. While it is easy to guess who this new character will be, the reason his actions become important is unexpected.
The kingdom of Kandala faces civil war and betrayal at every turn. Then out of nowhere comes a ship from the far-flung country of Ostriary with willingness to trade moonflower in exchange for steel. Prince Corrick doesn’t trust the captain. Rian Blakemore, but they are too desperate not to try and open negotiations. So, he and Tessa and the rebel leader, Lochlan, set off on the ship.
The onboard tensions made for an enthralling read. Corrick and Tessa’s relationship is strained as she feels like he only wants her as a secret and Rian is an enticing symbol of everything she believes in. I never expected Tessa to choose Rian but the jealous interactions made the book hard to put down.
I did not foresee the action-packed ending that King Harristan, Prince Corrick, and Tessa all found themselves involved in. I hope the third book does not rush the resolution to the series, but they have a huge setback to try to resolve with one book left and I hope it continues to be as well done as the first two books.
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