Cat Eyes and Dog Whistles: The Five Seven Senses of Humans and Other Animals

Cat Eyes and Dog Whistles: The Five Seven Senses of Humans and Other Animals
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Release Date
April 19, 2022
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Find out how our amazing bodies communicate to us in this fact-packed book about sensory perception. It's time to make sense of the senses.

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1 review
All About Senses and the Human Body
(Updated: July 05, 2022)
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CAT EYES AND DOG WHISTLES teaches about the five senses and how our organs process information from these stimulations. It also talks about how an animal's body works differently from ours. Not only does the author talk about the basic senses, she also goes into detail of other things these organs do for us. Like how our ears help with balance and the way color-blindness works. It also discusses topics that you don't see much of, like proprioception and interception.

The illustrations are cartoon-y and compliment the explanations well. I love how the author teaches about how our receptors in our brain pick up on signals from our organs. She even maps it out for children to visualize. The added bonus of how animals do things makes the information even more appealing to the younger audience. My favorite illustration is the tongue map because it shows where the different receptors pick up on different tastes, like sour, sweet, bitter, and salty. There's a glossary in the back of the book for some of the words children might not recognize and to supplement the facts in this book.

Final Verdict: CAT EYES AND DOG WHISTLES is perfect for children who love learning about the human body along with how animals are different from us. This books is a great tool for children to learn how their body communicates with itself.
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