Review Detail

2.5 2
Young Adult Fiction 180
An Intriguing Look at Witches
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Burn Mark by Laura Powell was a really interesting take on witchcraft that really delved into a completely new territory. It was an enticing story, but for me, got a bit drawn out which took away from the book overall.

So I loved the premise of Burn Mark. I mean come on, witchcraft practices in a modern day Britain? You can't get much cooler than that! I loved seeing the intricate system put in place for witchcraft and how everything was carried out and enforced. That being said, some of the elements of witchcraft were a bit confusing to me. Laura Powell's witches are very different from any others I have encountered so I had no knowledge of their craft which made some things confusing.

Burn Mark really doesn't pick up until about the last quarter of the book. The vast majority of the book was very interesting, but it was very slow paced. I didn't have any "OMG I have to know what is happening" moments. The last quarter of the book presents a situation where the stakes are very high and it was really intriguing. I loved the ending - I am really curious after that if there will be a sequel, as I would just love to hear more of Glory and Lucas's story.
There characters were a mix - most really grew on me as the book went on. When I was first reading, I thought a good portion of the characters were very flat. By the end of the book, most of my opinions had changed and I was completely invested in the characters stories.

Burn Mark by Laura Powell was a very slow paced read with an overarching intriguing story wrapped up in a new take on the mythology of witches.
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