Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 1088
Plot twist at the end
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What I Liked: As a fan of Outlander, I was ready to like this book just on the premise. Klara and her dad have an inn in Scotland after her mother passed away. Callum is an orphan that scrapes together a living as a bar fighter in 1568. He ends up in the present after he finds his friend, Tom, mortally wounded by a shadowed man of superhuman strength that he grabs hold of as he disappears into another time.
Most of the plot is easy to predict but still fun to read. I enjoyed Callum trying to maneuver his way through the magic of modern technology. It was fun seeing our world through his eyes. He was surprisingly open-minded about Klara being a modern girl. There were plenty of times that he was able to use his manly muscles to save her as they find out she is a pillar of time.
Their evolving romance from strangers to something more was enjoyable. There was plenty of heat and feelings while staying a clean romance. She hides everything from her dad which I found disappointing. He is supportive of her even when it appears she has run off with a handsome stranger for no reason throwing away her choice of going to college.
The ending was totally unexpected. I thought we were headed to a standalone book with all things neatly wrapped up. That is not how it ends at all. I don’t want to give spoilers but I need the sequel to come out soon so I can make sure one of them isn’t truly dead.
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