Author Chat with Rachel Chivers Khoo (The Wishkeeper’s Apprentice), Plus Giveaway! ~ US ONLY!

Today we are very excited to share an interview with author Rachel Chivers Khoo!

Read on to learn more about the author, the book, and a giveaway!




Meet the Author: Rachel Chivers Khoo

Rachel Chivers Khoo was born in Belfast. Growing up, her greatest wish was to become a published children’s author. Now that wish has come true, she’s planning on making more wishes . . . possibly involving a puppy or a lifetime’s supply of cinnamon buns. Rachel Chivers Khoo studied English literature at Trinity College, Oxford, and creative writing at Queen’s University, Belfast. She previously worked in book publishing and wrote her debut novel, The Wishkeeper’s Apprentice, at her kitchen table during maternity leave. She lives in London with her husband, two young sons, and far too many books.





About the Book: The Wishkeeper’s Apprentice

Wishes do come true—with some help from Felix and his quirky mentor, Mr. Beewinkle—in this magical adventure brimming with the power of hope.

When ten-year-old Felix drops a penny in the wishing fountain at the center of town, he really doesn’t expect his sixteen-year-old sister to suddenly like him again, or to offer to share a cinnamon bun or watch cartoons like they used to. She hasn’t even remembered she was supposed to give him a ride home! But someone else is at the fountain too: a strange old man with a fishing pole who claims to be invisible. To Felix’s amazement, he learns that the old man is a Wishkeeper, and he needs an apprentice! But being a Wishkeeper’s apprentice isn’t just about organizing incoming wishes and untangling wish snags: a strange wolf-man who’s been haunting Felix’s dreams is real and a threat to every wish that has ever been granted in the town of Whittlestone, the town’s Wishkeeper, and Felix himself. With lively illustrations, this sweet adventure bubbles with charm and heart.





~Author Chat~


YABC:  What gave you the inspiration to write this book?

I loved making wishes as a child and I always wondered where our wishes go.  The idea of wishkeepers has been in my imagination for a long time. The job of a wishkeeper is to collect, grant, maintain and protect our wishes. Granting wishes isn’t easy. It requires diligence, perseverance and most-importantly hope.


YABC: Who is your favorite character in the book?

One day while I was out for a walk, Rupus Beewinkle popped into my head as a fully-formed character. I imagined him as a little man with a whiskered face and pockets full of pennies collected from wishing fountains. Rupus is a rather shambolic Wishkeeper. His house is full of disorganised paperwork and he has granted far more wishes than he can keep up with. Rupus will do anything it takes to protect the wishes of his town.


YABC:  Thinking way back to the beginning, what’s the most important thing you’ve learned as a writer from then to now?

I’ve learned to write what I love. Getting published is such a long process, usually with lots of ups and downs before securing a book deal. So, it’s important to enjoy the writing process as much as you can.


YABC: What’s a book you’ve recently read and loved?

I adored Impossible Creatures by Katherine Rundell. It’s a whirlwind of an adventure with lots of heart. Ultimately, it’s an incredibly hope-filled book. Rundell, has long been one of my favourite authors. I was so excited when I heard she was writing a fantasy trilogy. I can’t wait for the second book!


YABC:   What’s up next for you?

My second book is another standalone magical story for middle-grade readers: The Magician Next Door. It’s the story of a girl called Callie who has recently moved from London to Northern Ireland with her dad. Callie is desperately homesick and has had a long uneventful summer in her new home, which is located at the foot of the Mourne Mountains. Then one night a flying house crashes upside-down in Callie’s back garden… and the magician inside, Winnifred Potts, needs Callie’s help.


YABC:   Which was the most difficult or emotional scene to narrate?

The dialogue between Felix and his older sister is quite hard going in places. Rebecca and Felix have a big age gap (seven years) and have grown apart. They hardly have any common interests now, even though they used to be close. Ultimately, Felix discovers that his worth isn’t rooted in how his sister (or anyone) treats him. Along the way, he discovers that he means a lot more to Rebecca than he’d thought.

 YABC:    What is the main message or lesson you would like your reader to remember from this book?

To wish boldly, and not to give up easily on your wishes. Everyone knows all the best wishes feel a little bit impossible.


YABC:   What advice do you have for new writers? 

I’d really recommend joining a writers’ group or sharing your manuscript with trusted friends. I find having a handful of encouraging readers helps spur me on to finish each manuscript. It’s fun to read other people’s work and see their writing process. I’ve learned so much from being in a writers’ group.




Title: The Wishkeeper’s Apprentice

Author: Rachel Chivers Khoo

Illustrator: Rachel Sanson

Release Date: 4/2/24

Publisher: Candlewick Press

ISBN-10: 1536231207

ISBN-13: 9781536231205

Genre: Juvenile Fiction/Fantasy & Magic

Age Range: Ages 7 to 10




*Giveaway Details*

Five (5) winners will receive a hardcover copy of The Wishkeeper’s Apprentice (Rachel Chivers Khoo) ~ US Only!


*Click the Rafflecopter link below to enter the giveaway!*


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4 thoughts on “Author Chat with Rachel Chivers Khoo (The Wishkeeper’s Apprentice), Plus Giveaway! ~ US ONLY!”

  1. I really love the cover, this sounds like a fun and enjoyable book!

  2. astromgren says:

    Sounds like a great book!

  3. ltecler says:

    This sounds like a fun fantasy book!

  4. The cover is so fun and this sounds unique and exciting!

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