Author Chat With Hena Khan and Andrea Menotti (Super You!), Plus Giveaway! ~ US Only!

Today we are very excited to share a special interview with authors Hena Khan and Andrea Menotti (Super You!)!

Read on to learn more about them, their books, and a giveaway!




Meet the Author: Hena Khan

Hena Khan is a Pakistani American writer and the author of the middle-grade novels Amina’s VoiceAmina’s Song, and More to the Story, and the picture books Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns; Under My Hijab; and It’s Ramadan, Curious George, among others. Hena lives in her hometown of Rockville, Maryland, with her family. You can learn more about Hena and her books by visiting her website at or connecting with her @HenaKhanBooks.

Website * Instagram




Meet the Author: Andrea Menotti

Andrea Menotti has written written novels, short stories, screenplays, poems, and many species of nonfiction. She has worked as a writing teacher and as a children’s book editor, and has also made games, toys, apps, and websites, too. Originally from Maryland, Andrea now lives in California.




About the Book: Super You!

In this action-packed, illustrated superhero origin story, the reader gets the power of invisibility and must decide, choice by choice, whether to use their abilities for good or evil.

Your ordinary morning in the park quickly turns extraordinary when you stumble upon a strange device that can turn you invisible with the press of a button. Now it’s up to you to decide how to use the power: Will you look into the device’s terrifying and inhuman origins to see how you can use your abilities to help the planet, or seek power and influence? Encounter alien technology, interact with aliens, or even travel to their planet in this richly imaginative and page-turning story full of possibilities.

Exciting, fun, thought-provoking, and action-packed, SUPER YOU!: POWER OF INVISIBILITY engages readers and literally pulls them into the story. Non-stop adventure, surprises, and multiple storyline endings make POWER OF INVISIBILITY perfect for summer reading, reluctant readers, comics fans, and anyone who wants to be the main character in on the action.




~Author Chat~


What gave you the inspiration to write this book?

Hena: I meet so many kids who are obsessed with superheroes and dream about having super powers. And I kept thinking about how much I loved reading the classic Choose Your Own Adventure series when I was a kid myself. From there, I had the idea to refresh the “pick your path” format with a new vision: a series of books where “You,” the reader, get a new superpower, and decide whether to use it for good or for evil. I would have flipped over these books as a kid!

Andrea: Having worked on lots of “pick your path” style books before on all sorts of topics (climbing Everest, going to Mars, exploring the American West as a settler), this seemed like a “super” opportunity! How fun to imagine yourself getting a super power and deciding what to do with it, and ending up in all sorts of wild situations that only super powers could bring you into.


What came first, the concept, landscape, characters, or something else?

Andrea: The concept! Then we built the perfect landscape and set of characters for the story to play out.

Hena: Yes! For each book, we first thought of the power we wanted to explore and grew the story from there. Our story outlines are very elaborate charts with all the possibilities that take a long time to craft.


What can readers expect to find in your books?

Hena: These books have a lot of action, surprises, and amazing graphic art by Yancey Labat. Readers will have unexpected endings, but also the chance to explore lots of different possibilities.

Andrea: We like to weave in science and technology! And lots of dialogue.


If you could only write one genre for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Andrea: I really enjoy writing science fiction. When I was growing up, my favorite author was Madeleine L’Engle, author of the Wrinkle in Time series. (I wrote her a letter, and she actually wrote me back!) I loved the worlds and characters she created, and the idea of traveling through time to visit the ancestors of villains especially captivated me! So I enjoy creating my own realities and rules like that, but I also like to have relatable human characters in those worlds.

Hena: What a treasure to have that letter from a writing legend! Well, I would be extremely depressed if I could only write one genre since I’ve enjoyed trying different ones, pushing my writing abilities, and engaging with all types of readers. I recently started writing graphic novels in addition to contemporary fiction, picture books, and the SUPER YOU! series. Don’t make me choose!


What is your favorite snack when writing?

Andrea: Coffee! And chocolate. And blueberries!

Hena: Yes to coffee! And cookies. And then of course something salty . . . it’s never ending!


If you were able to meet them, would you be friends with your main character?

Andrea: Well, in this case, it’s YOU! I tend to imagine YOU as myself, as a younger person – a bolder and braver version! So yes, I’d love to meet this younger, bolder, braver me.

Hena: People might be interested to know that I actually did meet and know young Andrea. We’ve been friends since we were in second grade! I love the fact that in these books, since “you” are the main character, everyone gets to be the main character in a book. Who hasn’t wanted to be the star? And a star with a super power to boot?


What do you do when you procrastinate?

Andrea: When I procrastinate I ask myself, “Why do I not want to do this?” And often it’s because there is some thinking I have not done yet. So I try to figure out the root of the procrastination and get myself over that. Going for a walk is helpful to get juices flowing again!

Hena: I love going for walks, and taking naps, and doing things with my hands like cooking or baking. Like Andrea, I think that when I have “writer’s block” it’s because I’m discouraged or stuck. Doing something else to distract myself allows my mind to rest and I’m usually able to puzzle through what has been holding me back and get motivated to work again.


What’s up next for you?

Andrea: We hope, another super power or two! Personally, I am very interested in water-based powers – breathing underwater, controlling the path of water, making waves and rain, etc!

Hena: In addition to hopefully working on more SUPER YOU! I have a new middle grade novel, and my debut graphic novel releasing in 2024, along with a middle grade anthology I edited. I can’t wait to share them all with readers!


Is there anything that you would like to add?

Andrea: I will share the words of wisdom that Madeleine L’Engle shared with me when she wrote back to my letter (mentioned above). For all of you writers out there, here’s her advice: “The best way to write is to listen to your story.” It took me a while to understand what she meant, but I do now!

Hena: A lot of people think writing is something that only certain people are good at. But it’s not a super power! Like any other skill you want to develop, writing just takes practice and persistence, and anyone can do it (unlike super flying or being invisible!). And one of the best ways to boost your writing powers is to read a whole bunch!




Title: Super You! Power of Invisibility

Title: Super You! Power of Flight

Author: Hena Khan and Andrea Menotti

Illustrator: Yancey Labat

Release Date: Super You!: Power of Invisibility, goes on sale 4/25/2023

Publisher: Penguin Young Readers; Penguin Workshop

ISBN-13: Power of Invisibility: 9780593224878

ISBN-13: Power of Flight: 9780593224854

Genre: Juvenile Fiction / Science Fiction

Age Range: 8-12




~ Giveaway Details ~


Three (3) winners will receive a copy of the Super You! Power of Invisibility, as well as Super You! Power of Flight (Hena Khan and Andrea Menotti) ~US Only!



*Click the Rafflecopter link below to enter the giveaway*


a Rafflecopter giveaway

4 thoughts on “Author Chat With Hena Khan and Andrea Menotti (Super You!), Plus Giveaway! ~ US Only!”

  1. ldittmer says:

    My students would LOVE this series!

  2. These sound really fun and the covers are so fun and bright!

  3. My boy would love this!

  4. ltecler says:

    The first Super You! book is popular in our media center, so I know readers will love the second one, too!

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