Author Chat with FELICIA FARBER (FAKE OUT), Plus Giveaway! ~ International!

Today we are very excited to share an interview with author Felicia Farber!

Read on to learn more about the author, the book, and an international giveaway!




Meet the Author: Felicia Farber

Felicia Farber is an author and attorney in New Jersey who writes contemporary young adult novels about the impact of technology on today’s teens. With a unique background in electrical/computer engineering and law, she loves to highlight the social, emotional, and legal challenges the latest technological advancements have on our younger generations. Her debut novel Ice Queen, a modern-day Mean Girls tale about sexting and cyberbullying, has won 11 awards including First Place in YA fiction and is popular for high school summer reading. Felicia regularly presents to schools, libraries, book clubs, and legal organizations, and enjoys sharing her expertise on blogs and podcasts.

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About the Book: Fake Out


FAKE OUT is a romantic mystery novel about a high school couple whose love and loyalty are put to the test when artificial intelligence is used to destroy their relationship.

Someone is manipulating images of David Woods to make it look like he’s engaging in illegal acts and spreading them all over social media. Since the images seem real he gets in trouble with his school and faces suspension. But when a graphic video of David in a sexual encounter with his ex is circulated, no one believes it’s a fake, especially not his current girlfriend, Blair Evans.

Blair desperately wants to trust David, but she’s seen the evidence with her own eyes. The school has no tolerance for David’s indiscretions either, increasing his punishment to expulsion.

How can Blair figure out if their whole relationship is built on lies or if David is really telling the truth? Could it be a deepfake, as he claims? And if he is sincere, then who is trying to destroy his life . . . and why?

FAKE OUT is a stand-alone sequel to the award-winning novel ICE QUEEN, a contemporary Mean Girls tale about sexting, cyberbullying, and dating in the digital age.

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~Author Chat~


YABC:  What gave you the inspiration to write this book?

A couple of years ago I was fascinated by the advent of deepfakes and synthetic media. I couldn’t resist immersing my characters from ICE QUEEN into a story arc that takes cyberbullying and its consequences to a whole new level. After facing a sexting scandal and making it out the other side, could Blair and David survive this too? If I could create an exciting, fast-paced story to show the adverse impact that manipulated media and artificial intelligence could have on typical teenagers, then I thought that would be the best way to convey how easily this could happen to any of us.

YABC: Who is your favorite character in the book?

I typically have a soft spot for the underdog and that holds true here, so I’d have to say David. This poor guy is getting blindsided by new technology, unknown enemies, and a devious and unpredictable ex-girlfriend that leave him distraught and ultra-vulnerable. I enjoyed developing his character in a way that showed his many layers as he tried to dig his way out of the messes heaped upon him.

YABC: Which came first, the title or the novel?

The novel came first but I knew the word “fake” was going to have be in the title!

YABC: What scene in the book are you most proud of, and why?

Hard question, but if I had to choose a scene it would be the one where the school is holding a hearing to expel David. As much as I needed to demonstrate the devastation David and Blair were each feeling at the hearing, I also needed to fairly portray the school’s standpoint and concerns when faced with a novel situation like this.

YABC:  Thinking way back to the beginning, what’s the most important thing you’ve learned as a writer from then to now?

I’ve learned to cut out material that I may like but that slows down the story. There are countless styles of writing, but for me it’s really important that my plot moves along quickly, so I’ve developed my own style which cuts the fluff, so to speak.

YABC: What do you like most about the cover of the book?

I love the use of the vibrant colors on my cover that really make my characters Blair and David pop out, along with the way the bolt of ice shoots down between them, symbolizing the relentless forces at play in the story that seek to break them apart.

YABC:    What is the main message or lesson you would like your reader to remember from this book?

We’re living through a technological revolution where the digital tools available to us are constantly evolving and presenting new challenges to our norms and privacy. This new technology doesn’t come with a moral or ethical handbook and if it’s used inappropriately, it can wreak havoc on the lives of innocent people. Both teens and adults need to stay on top of the latest technological developments to avoid becoming unwitting victims.

YABC:      What would you say is your superpower?

I LOVE writing dialogue because that’s where I can make my characters the most real and relatable. I try to tap into their minds and let them take over to the point where I’m merely the conduit jotting their words and emotions onto the page. From what my readers tell me, dialogue is one of my superpowers.

YABC:     Is there an organization or cause that is close to your heart?

Any organization that helps animals is close to my heart. I support local, national, and global charities that rescue and protect animals of every kind, from domesticated cats, dogs, and horses to wild rhinos, primates, and pandas.






Release Date: 5/15/2024



ISBN-13: 978-0-9964708-6-5

Genre: Contemporary Romantic Mystery YA

Age Range: 12 -18+




*Giveaway Details*



One (1) winner will receive a signed copy of both Ice Queen and Fake Out (Felicia Farber) ~ US/CAN Only!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Two (2) winners will receive a digital copy of both Ice Queen and Fake Out (Felicia Farber) ~ International!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


*Click the Rafflecopter links above to enter the giveaways!*

5 thoughts on “Author Chat with FELICIA FARBER (FAKE OUT), Plus Giveaway! ~ International!”

  1. araskov says:

    These both have such stunning covers and sound like incredible reads. I’ve added both to my wish list. I look forward to reading them!

  2. ldittmer says:

    These both look like great books.

  3. Morgan says:

    This sounds so interesting

  4. Eye-catching covers and they sound really interesting!

  5. Both covers are eye-catching and I can’t wait to read these.

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