Review Detail

5.0 2
Young Adult Nonfiction 402
An excellent book
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Learning Value
Reader reviewed by Gabe

Sara Nomberg- Przytyk was a Jewish woman who had experienced the Holocaust first-hand and lived to tell about it. She started in the Bialystok Ghetto and was later transferred to a concentration camp about three hundred miles away from Auschwitz called Stutthof. She spent about two months at Stutthof and was later transferred to Auschwitz in 1944. She experienced the brutality and cruelity of the camp and then fortunately met up with some people she had enpreviously encountered at the ghetto, who were working for the camp. These friends helped Sara get out of the horrible living conditions of Auschwitz and found work for her to do in the camp. Sara worked for the camp for the remainder of her time spent there, was treated fairly descent, and escaped many encounters that could have been fatile. Although she managed to escape the death of Auschwitz, the other Jews did not. Throughout the book she tells stories of starvation, gassing, torture, and murder that she observes being done to the Jews. Sara reveals the tales her mind has witnessed while working for this unimaginable, "Living Hell", called Auschwitz.

On a scale of 1 to 5, I would rate this book a five because it is a very well written book that gives many accounts of the daily life at Auschwitz. It is a very interesting experience that she tells and should be read. I would recommend this to people who are interested in history and especially relating to the Holocaust because this book is as real as it gets. This is a primary source of what took place at Auschwitz, which makes it hard to come by and that's why it's an excellent book.

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